Chapter Five

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Three Weeks Later...

Third POV
It had been awhile since Cheshire had to actually interact with people. She was so used to gaining her victims trust before slitting their throats. It had always seemed as if that was all she would ever do with her life, manipulate people and then stab them in the back. This was and will always be how she would live, and she knew that. The day she wouldn't be able to wield a knife would be the day that she would die, because all she was good at was killing. But killing wasn't free. It took something out of her every time she did it. She got their life; they got a piece of her soul. It's always a trade.

Cheshire's POV
I was at S.H.I.E.L.D's research facility out in the New Mexican desert watching as panic washed over the facility like a tidal wave. The evacuation was taking place.

"Complete chaos..." I muttered under my breath as agents ran around like in the typical 'we have to leave' fashion. The soldiers on foot jump onto Humvees, and getting the hell out of there. Letting out a sigh, I fix my hair beneath my hood and proceed to walk over to Phil.

"Cheshire." He says with a cold look upon his face.

"I have to say; the shades are pretty badass." I chuckle. Phil turns and looks at me with a smirk.

You see, our relationship hasn't changes much over the period of time I've been stuck with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the only conversation that we have remotely engaged in was filled with sarcasm and my witty humor that I doubt anyone could live without. The wind begins to pick up and attempts to launch the hood from my head, forcing me to quickly reach up and snatch it before it has a chance to. The helicopter finally lands on the landing strip and Maria Hill quickly gets off first, Fury following after her.

"What's with the glasses?" She asks as she approaches us.

"It's always sunny in Doucheville." I answer, patting Phil on the back. Maria glares at me before stalking towards the building.

"She really doesn't like you." Fury says, smirking before turning towards Phil "How bad is it?"

"That's the problem, sir. We don't know." Phil replies, leading Fury into the madness of the building. We quickly make our way through the radiation section of the facility. I glare at the hundreds of technicians and staff running around, grabbing all kinds of files and gadgets.

'Idiots, you should be worried about yourselves, not some stupid files.'

Phil glances at me before turning towards Fury. "Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago." He states. Fury raises an eyebrow and keeps walking.

"NASA didn't authorize Selvig to test phase."

"He wasn't testing it, he wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous advancement."

"So... It just turned itself on?" I asked over the sound of the chaos around us.

"What are the energy levels now?" Fury asks, ignoring my question. I glare at him and grab Phil's tablet.

"Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evac." I reply. Phil yanks the tablet out of my hands and shoves me away.

"Campus should be clear in the next half hour." He says, swiping through the security cameras.

"We don't have that kind of time is what I'm guessing." I murmur, looking up at Fury. He nods his head in agreement.

"Evacuation may be futile." Phil states suddenly, causing me to look at him in annoyance.

"So we should tell them to go back to sleep?" I ask sarcastically.

"If we can't control the Tesseract's energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance..."

"Look, not evacuating is not an option." I say firmly. We enter the lab where the Tesseract is being held by a chamber.

"Talk to me, doctor." Fury states, Selvig emerges from behind the CMS machine, looking concerned. The Tesseract seemed to be glowing unusually brighter and flare rings shooting out at random.

"Director." Selvig greets.

"Is there anything we know for certain?" I ask, watching from the sidelines.

"Tesseract is misbehaving." He mumbles, inspecting said object.

"Is that supposed to be funny?" Fury asks.

"No, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active, she's...misbehaving."

"Wheres Barton?" I ask randomly, glancing up at the rafters.

"The Hawk?" Selvig inquires. "Up in his nest, as usual." I smirk and focus up in one of the corners of the rafters. Clint stares back at me and grins. He's still dressed in his tactical gear, a sheen of sweat covering his arms.

"Looking good Barton." I say into my earpiece. Barton's smirk widens even more, before he rappels down from the catwalk and struts towards me.

"Why hello there, pretty lady." Grinning like a madman, I suddenly dash towards him and him

Clint and I have become really close during these last few weeks. After the whole kiss and ditch situation which ended with an unconscious Clint and me being scolded, we've seemed to gravitate towards each other. We're just two friends who have a very casual dating relationship...except we're not dating.

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