Chapter Sixteen

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I could feel the dizziness slowly start to kick in as my body starts to move slower and slower down the hallway.

"Damn." I mutter before leaning against the wall and sliding down onto my ass. I coughed wetly, pulling my blood-soaked hands away from the gash across my stomach and shakily reaching up to take my pulse. It was getting weaker with each beat. You would think that it would hurt, dying. But no. I felt a wave of calm wash over me as my surrounding dulled.

"Cheshire do you copy?" Coulson's voice filled my mind as I watched the blood begin to pool around me. "Cheshire! I'm headed towards the detention facility. We need to get Loki." The sound of Loki's name caused me to snap my head up and glare at the wall. He had Barton, and no one steals my toys.

"I'm on my way sugar tits, calm down." I murmur into my earpiece.

"Are you okay? You sound off." Rolling my eyes, I spit on the floor and slowly stand back up.

"Calm down, mother nature is just giving me a hard time. I'll be there in a second, go on without me." I growl as the entire ship shakes violently.

"The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?" I hear Loki's smug voice and a small smirk finds its way to my face as I pull out one of my throwing knives and peak around the corner. I could see Coulson with a weapon prototype along with Thor in the cage. Loki stands with one of his "guards." Coulson's eyes find mine before glancing down at my bloody torso. Ignoring his now panicked features, I let the knife fly and watch as the guarding soldier fall down like a tree. Loki moves from the switch and I feel pure satisfaction fill my body as his icy glare is directed towards me

"Move away, please." Coulson demands as he quickly steps in front of me.

"Yeah iceberg, get outta the way." I add with a grin. Loki looks at my abdomen before focusing on Coulson and his toy.

"You like this?" Phil asks. "We started working on the prototype after you sent the
Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you wanna find out?" My eyes narrow as Loki's fingers twitch and a minuscule smirk finds its way to his lips. I have to act fast. Hastily, I throw Coulson into the wall and gasp as Loki's staff enters my body.

"No!" Thor's voice booms. Loki probably expected for me to collapse in a fit of agony, but I'm already numb from the previous wound. I smirk as blood bubbles up in my throat and thrust my hidden knife towards his chest.

But he's gone. Coughing violently, I flop onto the cold cement floor, my knife hitting the ground with a loud CLANG.
My body won't move. All I can do is watch as Loki stabs Coulson in the heart before sending him flying against the wall. Everything was fading.

I watch as the world around me grew darker and darker. Coulson's figure turned into a blurred heap and the colours of the room began to blend together into some murky fusion. I was still breathing so I knew I was alive, but I could feel my body getting colder and numb. I couldn't feel my legs and my arms felt like they were being pinned down by a pile of bricks.

Suddenly the sound of wind fills the room. Loki had opened the hatch.

"Thor" I whisper as I tilt my head to look at the trapped God. His panicked eyes meet my own as he slams his fist against the glass. He's all I can see now, everything around him was hazy. I whisper his name again before my eyes close, and the veil of darkness covers me once more.

Third POV
Thor watches helplessly as his brother stabs his comrades, Son of Coul and Lady Cheshire.

"Loki!" He roars. Loki looks at him uninterested before stalking over the Cheshire's limp body. He lifts his foot and, ignoring his brother's protests, flips her onto her back. "Leave her be!" Thor bellows, tears stinging his eyes.

"Now why would I do that?" Loki replies shrewdly. "I was waiting for her to show up after all." Confusion fills Thor as he watches his younger brother lift up the woman. "A king needs a queen after all." Thor's eyes widen, yet he has no time to reply as Loki presses the button, and he is sent plummeting to the earth below.

Loki has no remorse as he looks down. He closes the hatch, adjusts Cheshire's body in his arms and proceeds to leave.

"You're gonna lose." Phil says in a weak voice. Loki turns around to face the dying man.

"Am I?" He asks in mock interest.

"It's in your nature." Coulson continues, almost absentmindedly.

"Your heroes are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky, and your comrade in my possession... where is my disadvantage?"

"You lack conviction."

"I don't think I..." Cheshire leaps/falls to the ground just as Coulson shoots Loki with is Phase 2 Prototype, causing Loki to be blown through the wall behind him.

"So that's what it does." Coulson says as the gun clatters to the ground. "Cheshire?" He asks. Cheshire slowly army crawls to lie beside him.

"Nice shot." She whispers hoarsely. Coulson's eyebrows knit together at the sight of their blood slowly filling the floor. "I never thought it would end like this." Cheshire says suddenly. Coulson looks up at the ceiling and grunts.

"You'll be fine, just don't close your eyes." He replies. Cheshire groans loudly before sighing. Silence surrounds them.

"Do you think they got the ship fixed?" She asks. Coulson looks around the room, noting the lack of shaking and gunshots.

"Well, there's no more gunshots so I'd say we're in the clear." They both laugh softly, before going silent once more. With difficulty, Cheshire sits up and leans against the wall next to Coulson. She reaches down and rolls up the bottom of her jeans and grabs a

"Here." Coulson takes a swig and his face scrunches up before he swallows. Cheshire laughs.

"You know you shouldn't hide behind a mask." He says suddenly, causing her laughter to stop. "I can see it you know." He pauses and looks at her. "Every now and then you turn away from someone and that smile of yours falters." Cheshire stays silent as she takes another gulp from the flask.
"It's almost as if you become another person for a moment; a sad person, someone who's broken and damaged."

"I don't do that." She says quietly.

"Oh, but you do. It only lasts a few seconds, before you put that mask on again, and begin to joke around, almost seeming like you're actually happy. But when you look closely, you can see how bogus your smile really is Chesh, and how much wreckage your hiding behind that smile of yours." Coulson finishes.

"You don't understand Phil" Cheshire states, the flask now empty. Coulson looks at her and notices the tears gathering in her eyes. "Once you've been wearing a mask for so long, you forget who you are underneath."

"Stop that." Phil whispers harshly, his heart starting to give out. He knew his time was coming. "Stop pretending you're okay. Stop hiding behind your mask. If you need to cry today; then zone out the world. Forget about everyone who's watching you and sit down and have a cry. It's not right for you to hide the pain inside." He coughs and she stares blankly at the sight of his blood splattering on the floor.
Cheshire leans her head on Coulson's shoulder.

"I'll try." She says in a soft voice. She could hear his heartbeat slow and bites her lip as he doesn't reply. "Coulson?"

There's no answer.

Cheshire remains silent. She could feel herself slipping further and further into the dark abyss, and right before that nothingness engulfs her entire being, a single tear falls down her

YES! Finally done! Please for the love of all that is holy let me know what y'all think! I have no problem killing more character's off C:

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