Chapter Seventeen

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Third POV
On the bridge, Fury sees on his viewscreen that the hatch has been open. Knowing Agent Coulson and Cheshire were sent there, he heads towards them.

Outside the Helicarrier Port Side, Tony continuously spins Engine 3, giving it all he has. The rotors start to spin properly and fast, letting the Helicarrier level itself.

"Cap, I need the lever!" Tony says from inside his suit.

"I need a minute here!" Cap grunts as he climbs up the loose cable and reaches the railing.

"Lever. Now!" Tony lets go of the rotors and they start to spin by themselves. Suddenly, Tony is caught in one. He is now fucked. He could hear Cheshire's mocking laughter fill his mind as he slips into the rotors,

One of Barton's men opens fire at the sight of the Captain. Luckily, he misses ad Steve is able to pull himself up and finally pull the lever. A vent opens up from Engine 3, and Tony falls out, but the suit heavily damaged, hardly keeping him up. Heading for Cap, Tony tackles the man into the wall, knocking him unconscious. Rolling over, Tony glances up at the super soldier before closing his eyes, Steve lets out a sigh of relief and sits beside Tony.

Fury finally makes it to the Detention Section only to find Agent Coulson and Cheshire sitting side by side. He reaches Coulson first and tries to find a pulse. Nothing. Suddenly Cheshire gasps and , puking up blood.

"Cheshire!" Fury says, shocked. He hurriedly pulls back her hair and looks at her wound, concerned.

"How nice of you-" She pauses to breathe. "-to hold my hair back while I puke." With one last dry heave, Fury helps her lean back against the wall, slowly.

"Just stay awake, Eyes on me!" Fury commands as he puts pressure on her wound.

"OUCH!" Cheshire shouts, capturing his arm in a vice-like grip. "That fucking hurts you stupid pirate." Chuckling, Fury grabs her hand.

"I'm...glad you're still alive." He says suddenly. Cheshire, looks down before meeting his gaze.

"Nah, you just missed my witty sense of humor and good looks. Isn't that right BossMan." She pauses again. "He saw right through me."
"What?" Fury asks, confused. Cheshire looks to Coulson next to her and sighs.

"Nothing old man." Cheshire whispers. She looks at the wall across the room. She looked tired. Her skin had turned several shades paler, and the bags beneath her eyes became more prominent. "I think I'm clocking out here."

"That's not an option." Fury replies. His eyes hardening. Cheshire laughs a real laugh as her grip loosens on his arm.

"It's fine, boss man. This was never going to work anyways... they were never a team...they had nothing to fight...for..." Cheshire's hand falls limply to her side. Fury looks grimly at her before stepping back to let the medical team take care of her.

"Agent Coulson and Cheshire are down." Fury says coldly. Cheshire would be laughing if he showed any emotion right now.

"Awe you do care!" She would say.

Agent Hill listening on her headset, stands up. She pushes away the medical examiner attending to the gash on her head.

"Paramedics are on their way." A S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent replies.

"They're here." Fury replies, as he stares at the bodies of his best Agents.

Steve and Tony listen as well.

"They called it." Fury declares.

Third POV
Fury gathers Tony and Steve back into the briefing room. Everyone there has a look as if in a daze. A look of numb shock is shown on their devastated faces.

"These were in Coulson's jacket, I guess he never got the chance for you to sign them." Fury throws Coulson's Captain America trading cards on the table towards Steve. Steve picks them up, staring at the blood stains on them.

"Did you find anything on Cheshire?" Tony asks quietly. Fury pauses before reaching into his pocket and pulling out three faded photographs and tossing them between the two of them.

One of them was a picture of a smiling red headed child in a flower field. She was holding out a large flower towards the camera, a look of pure adoration in her eyes. The back of the photograph showed neat cursive.

The second photograph showed Cheshire and Tony decorating a Christmas tree together

The last photograph was a selfie of her and Clint Barton on the top of a mountain. Cheshire was laughing while Clint kissed her cheek and tickled her sides. What looked like Clint's chicken scratch writing covered the back.

"We're dead in the air up here. Our communications, location of the cube, Banner, Thor. I got nothing for you. Lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming." Fury trails off "Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number though, because I was playing something even riskier... There was an idea, Stark knows this, called The Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them
To, to fight the battles that we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea, in heroes. And Cheshire, she gave her life to protect that idea." Tony gets up and walks off, not wanting to hear it anymore.

"Well, it's an old-fashioned notion." Fury finished, walking out of the room. Steve stared down at the pictures for a moment before staring at Cheshire's grin and Coulson's cards before slamming his fist down on the table and

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