Chapter 16: The Return and Its Effects

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Shawn's P.O.V:

Cameron left to go back to his apartment. I was sitting on the couch going through social media when I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it, standing in front of me was Josh.


"How have you been Shawn! I haven't seen you in like a week!" I pulled him into a quick hug.

"What are you doing here?"

"I actually came to talk to you."

"What about?"

"Shawn I think you know what it's about." He tries to put his hands around my waist and I move, sliding them off.

"Josh I thought you understood, I'm seeing someone."

"I know, but I figured you just didn't remember what us being together was like."

"Josh you're a great guy, I just don't feel the same way for you anymore. You're amazing, you'll find someone else." He had tears in his eyes. "Come in, let me get you something to drink. "

"I don't wanna be a burden, I'll just go."

"No, I insist. Come in." How could I turn him away? The last time a saw him in person I kissed him and then the next day texted him and told him we were done. I was truly a horrible person. "How have you been Josh?"

"I've actually been horrible." Gosh. At least he was being honest.

"What's been so horrible."

"Well I thought that you and me really had something, and then the day after I kiss you, you text me that you have a boyfriend."

"Josh I want you to understand that I am so sorry for what I did. I had liked Cameron for so long and when he finally came out to me everything just clicked."

"Shawn, I've just never felt what I felt for you for anyone else. You're different. You're special." I was smiling.

"You're so sweet Josh, but honestly I love my boyfriend. I think he's the one." Josh was looking at the ground. I walked over to him, my back now to the entrance to the apartment.

"Could I have a hug."

"Of course." I pulled him off the chair and into a hug.  "It's gonna be ok Josh, I promise."

"What the hell?!" I hear Cameron yell. I let go of the hug and turn around. Cam was standing in the doorway. "What's going on. I'm gone for 2 hours and I come back to find you with another man?"

"Cam it's not what it looks like. Honestly!"

"Why do I recognize him." Cam thought for a second. "He's the guy you kissed the night I came out to you."

"Ok Cameron he is. His name is Josh and honestly I was just giving him a hug."

"He really was Cameron." Josh was backing me up.

"Whatever, I gotta go think."

"Babe, don't be like that." I went to grab his hand. He pulled it out from mine.

"I don't wanna be with you right now." He left closing the door behind him. He seriously thought I was doing something with Josh. My heart hurt. Like physically I could feel pain in my chest where my heart is.

"Did he just break up with me Josh?"

"Maybe he meant that he just doesn't wanna talk to you right now."

"I think my baby just broke up with me." I was crying. This time Josh pulled me into a hug.

"It's gonna be ok Shawn. Look I'm here for you. It's all gonna be fine." Josh squeezed me in his arms. His cologne smelled nice.

"I'm not gonna sit here crying. Let's go." I grabbed my jacket.

"Where are we going, it's barely past noon."

"I don't care, anywhere but here crying in pain."

"Ok." We both get into Josh's car and leave. "Where yah wanna go Shawn?"

"What about like a park? It can't be anywhere with a lot of people. I'll get swarmed with fans."

"Oh yah. I've listened to some of your music. You're a really talented singer." He was complimenting me. How sweet.

"Thank you. That's really nice." We finally find a park and find a bench to sit at. "Maybe I should call him? This whole thing is just stupid."

"I don't know Shawn. I think you should wait for him to call you."

Cameron's P.O.V:

"Just call him!" yelled Nash. I had driven to his place after seeing Shawn with Josh.

"Maybe I should wait for him to call me."

"No Cameron. Communication is key. Either call and fix it or call and break it up." We were walking to his car. We were just going for a drive.

"What if he really was cheating on me." I say. I look down at my lap. We were now sitting in Nash's car. He could sense my hurt.

"Look man" he says putting his hand on my shoulder "if he was cheating I'm really sorry. But I know Shawn. He wouldn't do that to you." He's probably right. But why would he be with that guy.

"Fine I'll call him."

Shawn's P.O.V:

Josh and I were mid conversation and my phone started ringing. I pull out of my pocket. "Babe😘" ran across the screen.

"Answer it!" yelled Josh. I stood up and answered the phone call.

"Hello?" I questioned.


"What are you calling for."

"Be honest. Did you and Josh do anything."

"No I promise. We didn't do anything. Honestly all we did was hug."

"How do I know?"

"Trust Cameron. You should be able to trust me. I would believe you if I was in your shoes. And besides I thought you broke up with you."

"What..." he's silent for a second. "We're breaking..... were breaking up." he yells into the phone. My heart cracks in two. I pull the phone down.

"What'd he say Shawn?"

"He just broke up with me." I cried into Josh's shoulder. I had no idea I could feel this kind of pain.

Cameron's P.O.V:

"Hello?" Shawn questioned.


"What'd you call for?"

"Be honest. Did you and Josh do anything?" I question him, my heart beating out of my chest waiting for his response.

"No I promise. We didn't do anything. Honestly all we did was hug."

"How do I know?"

"Trust Cameron." he says into my ear.

"Dude you're about to lose service this is a no service area." said Nash.

Shawn kept talking "you should be able to trust me. I would believe if I were in your shoes." He starts cutting in and out.

"Shawn, Shawn. We're breaking up. Hello? The calls breaking up." It said 'ended' on my phone.

"You must have lost the call." said Nash.

"I'll call him in a little bit." I said laying back into my seat. "I can't wait to see him tonight."

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