Chapter 45: The Announcement

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Cameron's P.O.V:
Shawn looked so happy. "You ready to go?" I asked him.

"Yah. You got the pie?" I turned around and picked it up showing it to him. We were heading to my mom's. We were having a birthday party for my grandma. She was turning 73 today. He started walking to the door and I followed grabbing a key on the way out.

"You've never met my grandma have you?"

"Don't think I have. Are we gonna tell your family about you and me?" He nudged me softly smiling.

"Well of course. I can't wait. I love you Shawn."

"Aww, I love you to Cam. By the way we need to tell the guys tonight." We got into my car.

"Ok. Maybe we could invite them all over?"

"I think we need to tell Nash before anyone else."

"Why?" I asked him.

"Well he's like both of our best friends. And without him you and me wouldn't even be together."

"What'd you mean?"

"Don't you remember. All of the drama when we first started dating. Nash knew hat both of us were gay and nudged us towards each other. And when we 'broke' up Nash figured out everything was wrong and you saved my life." He blushed. He always blushed when he talks about it. He actually doesn't like talking about it usually. I think it makes him feel bad.

"I guess you're right." I agree. I had never thought of how big s role Nash played in our relationship. Without him we may not even be together right now. I really owe Nash. He reaches over and grabs my right hand.

"What if your family doesn't like me."

"They will." I say laughing.

"I'm nervous."

"It's fine."

"Cameron it's not like you know what I'm talking about." he says laughing.

"What do you mean?"

"I just mean like you've never had to meet my family and you never will because they don't approve of us."

"You're not inviting them to the wedding?"

"I didn't plan on it. You don't remember that they've basically disowned me since I came out to them?"

"I still think you should invite them." We were almost to my mom's.

"Well I'm not."

"I just think that maybe you getting married might change how they feel."

"It won't." He looks out the window, letting go of my hand. This is clearly a touchy subject for him.

"Look just forget about it. You don't want them there then they don't have to come." I grab his hand, moving my thumb over his finger. "No one has to be there, just as long as you are." I say smiling. He turns over looking at me again, smiling. Why is Shawn so freaking adorable I just love him.

"I'd like to say something." I say, standing up. Most of my family is in the large kitchen. My nana was sitting down. We had just finished passing out cake and ice cream. "I have an announcement." I look down at Shawn sitting next to me. "We have an announcement." I grab his hand, pulling him up front the chair, making him stand next to me. "Shawn and I are getting married." I'm smiling now and he's blushing. My family stars clapping and there are several 'ooohss" and 'awwws'.

"I can't wait to be a part of this beautiful family." Shawn says. I'm so happy my family took it well. After a few more hours of taking and partying Shawn and I leave. He texted all the boys of MAGCON earlier and they're all at Nash's house. We get in my car and I start the drive there. We pull up to Nash's house in about 5 minutes. He lived closer to my mom's than any of my friends. I get out of the car and rush to Shawn's side, opening the door for my fiancé. "Thank you." he says.

"Your welcome." I say, shutting the door. We start walking toward the door.

"So do you want to tell them or should I."

"It doesn't matter to me. Whichever one of us you want to talk can."

"Ok, I will." Shawn says smiling. "I was the first one to come out as being gay. I think I can tell them all that we're getting married.

"Ok." I agree. Shawn knocks on the door. Nash opens it in a few seconds letting us in.

"Come in, come in." he says. We follow Nash to his living room. All of our friends sitting down.

"What'd you all us all here for?" yells Taylor.

"Yah I could've been going to a party tonight." Jack says.

"Well everyone sit down." says Shawn. Shawn and I hadn't told Nash earlier like we wanted to. He was oblivious to what we were about to announce.

"Ok guys, me and Shawn invited you here to give you guys a big announcement." I looked at Shawn smiling, then continued talking. "So, Shawn and I have decided to get married." All of the guys faces light up. I'm so glad they support us. There are several woohs and hollers. I'm so happy that they're all happy.

"You and Shawn are truly the cutest couple." Aaron says to me. I give him a hug.

"I want you to know I'm not mad about what happened between you and Shawn. You guys were both drunk. It's no big deal." Aaron hugs me after hearing me say this.

"Thank you. I love you Cameron. I'd hate for there to be dirt between us." We do our handshake and then he walks away.

"You ready to go?" Shawn asks, walking up to me.

"I wanted to stay and hang for a little bit. Maybe drink some."

"Babe no. I wanna go home anyways."

"Your so antisocial." I say smiling.

"Isn't that why you're marrying me?" He says laughing, scooting closer to me. He plants a small kiss on my lips.

"Let's go." I say. We get back into my car and start driving home.

"Babe I wanna cuddle when we get home." Shawn says cutely.

"I wanna cuddle too." I say. Shawn plugged his phone into the aux cord. "What song you gonna play?"

"I don't know yet." He was clearly tired. He looked so damn cute when he got tired. His eyes became heavy, his blinks taking longer than a second, his face just kind of resting down. I loved it. The street light shines red. I slow to a stop. I look over at Shawn. His eyes are closed. Bruno Mars "Just the Way You Are" is playing.

"I love this song baby."

"I know." He says smiling. The light turns green and I start driving forward. In the middle of the intersection I look over at Shawn. Through his window I can see a large semi driving straight for my car. Time slows to almost a stop. I see Shawn laying there perfect almost asleep. I see his seatbelt is buckled, as is mine. I see the semi start to collide with my car. Shawn's window starts to bust, pieces of glass shattering into the air. The car is moving to the left now. I see Shawn's face stop smiling and feel my head collide with the space between the front seat and back seat window. Everything is black, and I hear a loud buzz. Then everything goes dead silent.

Sorry guys. This book is coming to an end and you better be ready to cry. Some very sad events are about to take place and I'm so sorry😢. I love all the positive feedback and I'm so sorry for what's about to happen. Just know this is the ending I've been planning on for a while now. You better have your box of tissues ready for the next few chapters. I love you all😢❤️.

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