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Samantha's Pov.

All of us grew suspicious on who she was and why she's carrying baby formula? Glenn and Maggie were the ones getting it...

Carl gave the baby to Beth and he took my hand and we ran over to where Rick was.
"Should we help her?" Carl asked and I shrugged looking over to Rick.
"She- she has baby formula! " I mentioned and Carl didn't hesitate to open the gate. I helped him open it and Rick went out to the woman.
Carl and I stood next to the gate while Rick helped the woman.
The woman suddenly passed out and Rick picked her up to bring her inside.
"Wait here." Carl told me and I nodded.
He ran outside the gate to grab the basket and one he entered back in, I closed the gate and we ran to the cell as fast as we could.

The lady was on the floor unconscious and Rick had told me and Carl to grab some blankets and water.
"Someone grab Hershel, she has a gun shot on her leg!" Rick said and I ran to his cell and told him to come as fast as he can.
He finally got here and he took a look at the wound and Placed a wet towel on her head.
She instantly woke up after the water and she looked scared.
I sat next to Carl and I didn't even realize we were still holding hands.
"You okay?" he asked me and I nodded my head.
"Yeah I'm fine." I answered turning my attention back to the woman.

"Who are you?" Rick asked and she started panicking and Grabbed for her katana.
Carl pulled it away from her so fast and slid it across the floor.

"Im going to ask you again, what is your name, and why did you have a basket of formula?" Rick asked again and this time, she answered.
"Michonne. And I saw some young Asian boy with a pretty girl with this basket, before they got taken by some scumbag from a town called Woodbury." she answered and all our eyes widen.
Daryl entered the cell block and Rick looked at me and Carl.
"I need you two to go. We'll take care of everything." He said an I nodded but Carl shook his head.
"I want to help.." he argued and I sighed.
"No. I don't want you getting hurt." Rick answered.
I glanced over at Carl who gave a look to his father, then ran to the door leading to outside the building.

I turned over to see everyone looking at me, wanting me to go calm Carl down.
I sighed and ran out the door to where Carl went.

"Carl! Carl....." I shouted as softy as I could. Carl was out on the grass walking to wherever his feet was taking him.
I walked a little faster to catch up to him.
I finally caught up and grabbed his shoulder and he shrugged it off and kept on walking.
"Carl!" I said with a little anger in my voice. I don't know why he was so angry right now. Especially at me because I didn't do anything.
I managed to get in front of him and I gripped his wrists which made him stop.
"Why are you acting like this?" I asked softy. I didn't want him to think I was mad at him, cause I wasn't. I just wanted to help.
His eyes wandered to the ground and he sighed.
"My dad thinks I'm a child still! like I can't do anything right! I can't help with anything and you know what? The last time we had a decent talk, was at that farm house I told you about. He told me 'No more kid stuff'. And it's exactly what he's doing!" at this time his face was red and he dropped to the grassy ground.

I stared at him, not knowing about this. I sat down on the ground next to him placing my hand on his face.
"Carl.... I know you don't want to hear this, but he's doing it to protect you. Listen, he had just recently lost you know..." I didn't want to say we name. "He's going through a tough time. And so are you. I understand. But please, don't waste your anger on things like this. There's no use."

He looked up into my eyes and he nodded his head slightly.
"Sorry I just ran out like that and caught an attitude to you. I - I didn't mean too..." he said and I nodded. He ran his hands through his hair and exhaled.
It stayed quiet for a little bit, leaving us just wandering off in the scenery, of course which was ruined by walkers.
"This is beautiful. You know, except the dead that's waking around." I said and he turned to me and smiled. "What?" I smirked back.
"It's beautiful just like you." He bit his lip and I blushed.
"Ready to go back inside?" I asked changing the subject
"Yeah, they are probably wondering about us." he answered and we got up and walked back to the prison.

When we entered the building we saw only my brother gathering guns from a bag.
"Where are you going with those?" I asked him curiously.
"Oh um, Rick Told me he needed these. " he said back and Carl and I exchanged looks as we followed my brother to the back of the prison.
Everyone from our group was there, even the prisoners.
"What's going on?" Carl asked his father who was talking to michonne at the moment.
Rick looked at us two and he motioned for us to follow him.
"Hey, I know I never got to talk to you, but about Mom...." Rick started and I grew nervous. I didn't want to get in between this..
"I had to." Carl said seriously and Rick nodded his head.
"Im sorry. No one should have to go through that." Rick added and my mom entered my head. I was spaced out and Carl slightly touched my waist, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"You okay?" he asked me and Told him I was fine.
He gave me another look like he wasn't sure but I reassured him I was good.

"How long will you be gone?" I asked Rick and he kicked a pebble on the ground.
"Hopefully not too long. Look guys, if something happens lock everyone in a cell. Take care of Your sister too, Carl." he said and Carl and I nodded.

There was a little silence pause before a whole new subject was being spoken.
"Hey Daryl has been calling her Lil ass Kicker." Carl said and we both giggled. Rick repeated her name and he giggled at that name. "But I was actually wondering what we should really call her.
"Well, what do you think guys?" Rick asked. He seemed more jolly now than he was before.
"Carl said some names before inside, but I think those names will bring back too much memory." I spoke and Carl agreed.
"Hey, remember my third grade teacher Mrs. Mueller? Her first name was Judith. I was thinking that was a good name?" Carl said with such a glow to his eyes.
"That's a nice name." he smiled at us and we smiled back.
Ricks smile slowly died down and he hugged Carl and I before turning away, getting ready to leave.

Hey guys! sorry I haven't updated in the longest! And I'm sorry if this is a boring chapter! it will get better! Any who lol WHO WATCHED THE EPISODE LAST NIGHT! OMFG I FELT SO BAD FOR ALL THEM! My fave part was the pudding :")

I'm sorta angry too because I wanted to keep up with this story with the same time as the episodes but Im .wayyyyyy behind! Sorry about that too...
But I hope you guys enjoy and please comment and vote! thanks :)..

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