"My name is Joshua William Dun" Josh broke the awkward silence between the two.
"Okay?" Tyler said bluntly with a questioned sound at Josh.
"I'm just trying to make conversation. It's award if there is no talking other then me giving directions. turn left here" Josh said innocently.
"No offense Josh, but I don't think we should become friends. I don't want Tim to start bullying you too." Tyler responded considerately.
"I don't care, I can handle him. As you can tell from today, he can't really control me. He might me the star player, but that doesn't mean he deserves any special treatment." Josh snorted at the thought of Tim thinking that he was better then everyone.
"Oh, okay. But did you really wanna be friends with me? I'm not exactly the coolest guy in school. Not liked by very many people because they find me very weird. Pretty sure I'd just scare you away." Tyler said trying to convince Josh not to become friends with him.
"If anything I'm pretty sure I would be the one to scare you away." Josh responded with a snicker. "Stop here, this is my house."
Tyler stopped in front of Josh's house. From the outside it looked very nice. They grass was just recently cut, you could tell from the smell of grass filling the afternoon air. There were two trees in his front yard. Each on either side of the cement sidewalk that lead to their door. They had a patio out in the front of their house. From the street, on the left they had two outdoor rocking chairs that had a matching table in the middle of them. On the right side it was empty, at least from what Tyler could see from the car. "Nice house Josh." Tyler gave a half smile, so Josh knew he wasn't kidding.
"Uh, thanks dude. I just mowed yesterday. Hey did you wanna come inside and hang out for a little bit. " Josh said hopefully.
"Um, sure I guess. I gotta ask my mom if I can though." Tyler started to call his mom, and while he was waiting for his mom to pick up he spoke again, "Promise me that this won't end up with me spending the night man. We just started talking." Tyler spoke with a sigh.
"I can't promise anything Tyler." Josh spoke with a smirk on his face.
Tyler's mom finally picked up right before it went to voice mail.
"Hey sweets, what's up?" Kelley said in her usual peppy voice that she had to keep for her students so they didn't suspect something was wrong.
"Hey mom, I was wondering if I could hang out with Josh from the basketball team today. It might turn into me spending the night by the way." Tyler said rolling his eyes as he saw Josh smirking again.
"Yeah, sure, that should be fine! Except do you think you should really spend the night there Ty?" Kelley said with concern.
"Yeah I'm sure for right now. If I start to feel uncomfortable, I will try and get myself out of it." Tyler said as quietly as he could so Josh couldn't hear, but turned his head away from Josh so he didn't suspect anything.
"Okey!" Kelley said happily. 'Okey' is Kelley's way of saying that's perfect, or great. It makes Tyler smile every time she says it because of the way she says it.
"I won't be grabbing anything from home by the way if I do spend the night. I have my sleeping pills for the night, so I'm good on that."
"Okey. No need to call me if you ever decide if you're going to spend the night or not. I'm just going to assume that if you aren't home by eleven that you are spending the night. Love you sweets goodnight in case I don't see you."
"Love you too mom, and goodnight." Tyler said with a smile on his face since his mom said 'Okey' again. "I can hang out, and I can spend the night if that happens." Tyler said with a full smile on his face.
Josh smiled the biggest smile and said, "That's great! Let's go inside, shall we?"
"You have a nice room. How do you keep it so tidy?" Tyler said in awe.
"I dunno, I just like keeping things tidy. It helps with my anger issues too I guess." Josh responded shyly.
"Awe, okay." Tyler looked around Josh's room, his bed made, no clothes on the floor, everything folded neatly or hung up either in his dresser or in the closest. He noticed that Josh had a Super Nintendo counsel in his room that was under a flat screen TV. The TV was probably about twenty six inches long, and twenty four inches wide. Tyler then noticed that Josh had his favorite video game. "Oh my gosh, you have Mario Kart 64?" Tyler said with excitement.
Josh chuckled before speaking, "Yeah, you play?"
"Oh my gosh, yes I play. Mario Kart 64 was and is my favorite game to play on the Super Nintendo. I would stay up all night playing it as a child!" Tyler said hoping Josh would ask if he wanted to play.
"I haven't really played a lot lately just because I've been busy. I'm not busy now though obviously, so did you wanna play some rounds?" Josh asked Tyler hoping to himself that Tyler would say yes.
"Yes, please. I haven't played since I was like ten years old! I'm gonna kick your ass so hard, you're gonna wanna cry for mercy just so that I will let you win one round." Tyler said in the most confident voice he has shown in awhile.
"Eh, we'll see about that one Ty."
It ended with Tyler winning half of the rounds and Josh winning the other half. After going back to their childhood memories they started to talk to each other, and learned more about each other. Tyler ended up spending the night at Josh's house. He was glad he was able to feel comfortable with spending the night there, but he didn't know if he was gonna come even though Josh was there. Tyler just hoped that he wouldn't come tonight, for both him and Josh's sake.
I'm so happy with how this chapter turned out. I think I'm gonna start writing a little bit of the next chapter today. Maybe, it's twelve o'clock where I am right now, and I still have to take a shower. I probably will end up just writing a little bit today. I have to do homework tomorrow, and I have a lot of it, so I'm not for sure if I will be able to get any done or post the next chapter before Monday. It might be Tuesday when I post the next chapter. Anyways I love you guys. Still keep bringing me feed back. :)

During the Night
FanfictionFunny how people can hide their emotions and sanity so easily during the day, but what about the night? Tyler hates the night, especially when he comes. Luckily some person might come along the way just to help him with his problems at night. A head...