TW: mentions of weapons, a noose, and cutting. I reaaaalllllly recommend you read it all though. This chapter is very very very important. :)
Josh could hear the sirens wailing outside of the ambulance. He closed his eyes. He opened them again. He was at the Emergency Room now. Nursers started rushing over to his stretcher. They started asking the paramedics what happened to Josh. Josh didn't think his injuries were that bad that he required immediate attention.
"Oh no sweetie." Josh heard a familiar voice speak to him as he continued to move down the hall of the hospital. The figure was still blurry, but started to become clear when the familiar voice started to speak again. "It's okay Josh, I'm here." It was Josh's mom. The worry in her eyes was so much more than Josh had ever seen her.
She must of followed the ambulance when she saw me get on it as she was waiting for me outside of the school to pick me up. Josh thought to himself. He started to whisper to his mom, "I love you mom." Josh said weakly.
"I love you too, hold on." Josh's mom said sounding more at ease since Josh was able to talk.
Josh started to close his eyes again. Before he closed them fully, he saw a figure. It was wearing a black robe that had a hood over it's head. the only thing visible was its face and it's usual sinister like grin. Nine circles. Three going down, three going across. Two of the circles were red and the rest were white. The first red circle on the top right corner of his face, and the second in the middle of the last row of circles. His mouth was located in-between the second red circle and the center circle. Blurryface.
Josh woke up with no pain. He had no feeling of pain what so ever in his body. His eye didn't feel swollen shut, and his lips seemed to be their normal size. His head didn't ache, neither did his gut. He then realized that he was standing perfectly fine. No wobble. Josh looked around him. Pitch black. "Hello?" Josh yelled out to the empty dark abyss that surrounded him. No sounds other than the echo of his yell drifting off into the distance.
Josh starting walking, hoping that the black filled space would turn into the real world. He looked down at the ground, even that was black. Josh stared upward. Even that was a dark black abyss. Josh heard something coming. He brought his head back down to call out into the gloomy space, "Who's there?" No response, the sound became louder as it came closer. "I said who's there?" Josh said more courageously.
The sound came to a stop, but still stayed far away from Josh. It was only close enough for Josh to be able to see some items of its body, but mostly just its shape. Seemed to be the same height as Josh, muscular build like Josh, just as thin Josh. It was even wearing the same exact cloths...
"Hello Josh." It spoke out sinister like as he came more into Josh's visible sight.
Josh could see all of him now. Except it wasn't an it. It was Josh.
"Who are you?" Josh asked confused, but yet frightened.
"I'm you." It spoke out, their words sounding so much like Josh's but yet it had a hint of devilish like sounds to the two words.
"No you're not. I'm the real Josh. Who really are you?"
"Come on J. You and I both know you know who I really am. You are just too scared to say it, because you know the answer will be yes. So I'll say it for you." Its voice was so terrifying to hear, Josh couldn't comprehend it all. "Hello, I'm Joshua Dun. I also go Tyler Joseph, Kelly Joseph, Laura Dun, Tim Skipper, and even Blurryface." Blurryface said with a big wide grin. He tried to play it off as an innocent grin. He even batted his eyes like a ten year old that wants a cookie just to add to the effect.

During the Night
FanfictionFunny how people can hide their emotions and sanity so easily during the day, but what about the night? Tyler hates the night, especially when he comes. Luckily some person might come along the way just to help him with his problems at night. A head...