The title sounds like a forest fan fic reference, but it's not. Although this chapter may sound a lot like the forest fan fic, but I'm not trying to make it sound like it. It kind of just happens, because it makes sense. And if any forest fan fic references come up in any part of this book (it will be on accident unless I say otherwise), please don't mention it, because I am not trying to copy someone else's work. :)
It's Wednesday. Time for Tyler to go back to the therapist. He's dreading going, so is his mom. They arrive at the therapist's building ten minutes early. They decide to wait in the car before the appointment. It's quite for a few seconds before Tyler's mom breaks the silence.
"Ah honey?" Kelly's voice spoke with concern, but her hesitation in her speaking intrigued Tyler.
"Yeah mom?" Tyler was still facing the passenger side window, staring at a dime that was on the ground.
"I have two things to say actually. Um, my first thing is, do you really think this thing that comes to you during the night is real or not real?" Her voice is genuine. It's not that she didn't believe Tyler. She trusts him, but this is to weird for her to comprehend.
"Yes, yes I do. Why do you ask? Do you think I'm just imaging things?" Tyler's voice came into a defensive tone as he shifted his weight closer to the passenger side door.
"No, no, no sweetie. Well, I don't know. I can't really say this thing is real. I've never seen him before. Even when I come into your room during the night when I hear you screaming, and then I open the door, he's never there." Kelly's voice is soft, but shy now. She doesn't want to anger her son, but she just doesn't understand like most parents with any of their children.
"That's because he leaves. He doesn't like the presence of those who don't have... you know... insecurities." Tyler choked on the word. He hates that word. He would throw it into a pit of fire if he could.
"Oh okey. I understand now."
"Why do think that I'm not crazy?" Tyler spoke shyly. He didn't want to ask that question, but it came out anyways.
"Because you're my son, and I will try my best to understand what you're going through. Ever since your dad left us I knew I needed to start acting like a real parent. I also want to try and help you as best as I can. If I were to not be understanding at least a little bit of your situation, why ask? I love you so much Tyler, and I want you to get better, and for this person to go away." Kelly's voice was soft, so innocent. You could hear in her voice that she really did mean the words she said. And Tyler couldn't ask for a better voice.
Tyler started to cry, and gave his mom a big bear hug. He was so happy to hear that his mom was actually trying to understand his situation, instead of her acting like he was a crazy psycho path. "I love you so much mom. Thank you for trying mom, even though it's more difficult without dad not being here to help pay for the bills and all of that. That lousy dirt bag isn't here anymore though to go break your heart again and bring some other person home that isn't you." Tyler was now crying in his mom's shoulder. The warmth from her body radiated onto Tyler, and filled him with untroubled feelings. It relaxed him so much, that he stopped crying.
Kelly was holding back tears so her makeup wouldn't run. She didn't really want to discuss with the therapist why her makeup was running. It obviously wasn't for a bad reason, she just hated speaking during the session. "Now, the other question I want to ask you will have to wait for later. We better head inside or we'll be late." She gave Tyler a happy smile. All is calm.
"His name is Blurryface?" The therapist's voice sounded confused of the, what she thought was a weird name. She shouldn't be the one talking though. Her last name is something like Ms. Faab. It's pronounced how it looks, but what a weird last name. Tyler wondered if it meant anything.
"uh-huh, Blurryface. I saw his face I guess you could say." Putting quotation marks around 'face'. He has nine circles. Three going across and three going down. The therapist started writing away on her little clipboard that she seemed to cherish oh so much. The top right corner had a red circle, and on the last row in the middle had another red circle. The rest of the circles were white. He has eyes, and a mouth. They seem to be one dimensional though. They move awkwardly when he speaks, or blinks. Ms. Faab wrote some more clipboard worthy writing down.
"Hm interesting. How have you and your mom been?" Ms. Faab asked. She has never asked about how they both were at the same time. In fact, she would never ask how Tyler's mom was doing.
Kelly shifted her position so her spine was more straight. She cleared her throat before speaking so proudly, "Good, good. I'm getting more hours at work. Might be a teaching job, but apparently you can get more hours from it if you do some extra stuff around the school."
"That's great! What kind of things will you be doing to get more hours?"
"Well the thing that I am doing to get more hours in, is being the assistant coach for Tyler's school's boys basketball team." Kelly looked at Tyler. Tyler looked at Kelly.
"What? You are?" Tyler was in shock. He never saw his mom as the type to help coach a basketball team. Or any sport for that matter. She does watch plenty of sports, but he was really surprised.
"Yeah, and I asked coach if you could come back play basketball again, and he said that you could!" Kelly spoke with such joy in her voice to say it. She was so happy to see how excited Tyler was.
"Oh my gosh! Really?" Tyler rushed over to his mom's usual chair from his usual coach, and hugged his mom so tight she had to tell him she couldn't breath. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't believe he said yes! When do I start going back to practice?"
"He said you could start your practice with the whole team tomorrow!"
"Yay! Oh my goodness, I can not express how happy this makes me! Thank you so much mom!"
"No problem sweetie."
The rest of the session continued with happy thoughts. He had no troubles with Blurryface during the session which was good. Tyler hoped that tomorrow's practice would go well. By the end of the session, Kelly forgot to ask Tyler that last question. It was all good though. The rest of the night panned out well. Relaxing.
This was a pretty crappy ending to the story, whoops. I wanted to make this chapter longer, but oh whale. Not sure how the other one is gonna go. Hopefully it turns out well. :)

During the Night
FanfictionFunny how people can hide their emotions and sanity so easily during the day, but what about the night? Tyler hates the night, especially when he comes. Luckily some person might come along the way just to help him with his problems at night. A head...