➺ Chapter Five

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Uta was melting the steel together from the crack of the mask when he caught the scent. It was distinctive like if you smelled a pie that your mother made only when you were a child and got flashbacks of memories long forgotten. He froze, turning off the machine and taking off the gloves on his hands.

He sniffed the air again and his eyes went wide. It was you but more importantly your blood. Uta would know it anywhere and dread hit his stomach instead of the usual hunger. He scrambled from the workshop and HySy in a flash, not caring that the doors were unlocked and anything could be stolen. His own blood was boiling with worry and rage at what could be unfolding.

Uta glided through the ward as he followed your scent like a wild dog on a chase. He didn't care about getting caught by Doves or being turned in by a human if they were to spot him. He just needed to get to you and make sure you were safe.

What he saw made a burning feeling settle in his body and his spine itched to release his kagune. He remained neutral on the outside as he clutched the fellow ghouls' jackets and threw them multiple yards away from you. They crashed into a nearby building with yelps and cries, but Uta only crouched down to make sure you were all right.

"Uta Ozera!" the leader called as he wiped off himself and stood. "We're here on behalf of Aogiri to recruit you for the organization."

"And you thought beating up my girlfriend was the best way to go about it?" Uta questioned calmly despite his controllable hatred toward them. He brushed your hair back gently and examined you for further injuries.

You were so happy to see him, but you were hurting, almost too much to sit up against the wall. Blood stained your neck and shirt and you had a deep cut on your lip. To Uta, it looked like they did a number on you for no reason because you wouldn't have struggled, but it was obvious you were trying to protect him, which only fueled his anger.

"Girlfriend?" the other man asked almost hesitantly. "Were you not planning on eating her?"

"Not in the way you are thinking," Uta replied, rising to his full height and turning to the men. "So, Aogiri wants me?"

"Yes," the third said. "You used to wreck havoc back in the day and you're an SS class ghoul--perfect for the organization."

"And if I refuse?"

"We'll kill you and your girlfriend," the leader stated simply.

"Hmm." Uta hummed as if contemplating the idea. "Intriguing, but I would never join the likes of you pathetic mongrels."

"Have it your way," the leader said. "Get them!"

You stayed in your spot without worry for what was going to ensue. You had faith in Uta's abilities because of what you had seen him do before and you were too tired to feel frightened anymore.

The men went at Uta together, even unleashing their kagunes. Uta remained reserved and collected as he dodged attacks and tossed the men around one after another. He was bouncing against the buildings and slashing their bodies with his bare hands.

One of the men managed to get away from him, heading right for you. You tensed because Uta was at the other end of the alley, but Uta was on high alert along with the rest of his being. A black form shot out from Uta's side--one part of his kagune--and wrapped around the man before slamming him multiple times on the concrete.

Once finished with the ghoul scum, Uta touched down in front of you and lifted you into his arms. He ran back to the apartment in swift fashion and went straight to the apartment to shower, cleaning both of you off and tending to the cut on your mouth.

Uta sat you on the couch and he sat on his knees in front of you. He put his hands on the sides of your face and rubbed his thumbs against your temples.

"I'm sorry this happened because of me," he apologized.

"You can't help that Aogiri wants you," you pointed out, feeling your teeth scrape the cut on your lip.

"But I shouldn't have let you go alone. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something worse would have happened or you died. I couldn't live if that happened."

"It won't," you assured gingerly.

Uta hugged your waist and laid his head in your lap. You took out his ponytail and ran your hand through his wet strands of hair to comfort both he and yourself.

Uta couldn't lose you, in any way. He would fight for you to the ends of the earth and would go through anyone to get to you. Sometimes he wondered if this life was poisoning you, but you remained to be the sweet and caring person you were when he met you. There was no one like you in his old life and he never wanted to go back to that, but if you met your demise, he probably would.

"I can't imagine what the fourth ward would have been like if you were there when I was. Would we be together? Probably not, but would I protect you? With every ounce of breath I had," Uta murmured.

"Was it hard?" you asked.

"Hard, but fun. It was destructive and such a hovel. I had my time and legacy, but I enjoy this more," he answered.

"I'm glad. I thought you'd get bored."

His arms tightened. "Never. Don't think anything like that."

Suddenly, your phone rang, shattering the moment into pieces. You reached over and answered. It was Touka and she was frantic and freaking about something with jumbled words and phrases echoing from the speaker. You eventually hung up with a stunned face, and with Uta's ghoul hearing, he knew exactly what was happening, but you voiced it anyway.

"Kaneki was taken."

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