Guys I don't like anyone real

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LOLLLL I was rereading what I've written.

I feel like if anyone who knows me read that, they'd know immediately who I am. I am definitely not discreet enough.

Oh well.

High school is fine. Ninth grade was tough, so was the beginning of tenth grade. But now I've decided to adopt a less anxious lifestyle.

A few updates:

Remember Maven? He's in my English class and sits quite close to me. It's funny because he was assigned in my group in a speech project and so we got to interact. If it had been my eighth-grade-self I'd probably have been both exhilarated and super afraid of speaking--because that's me: social anxiety.

But the me now? Guess what, adopting a new outlook on life really does change your attitude. Being happy does make you less nervous in general. I completed the project successfully, and I think Maven finds me tolerable company.

Though we are not friends, but at least I am no longer afraid to initiate conversation with him. But I really don't have much to say to him... I no longer have a crush.

Mark, on the other hand, is only in my social studies class. I don't like him anymore either. He is sort of immature. And irresponsible.

And my friends don't really hang out with him anymore so I have no reason to be in his company.

MY LIFE IS A LACK OF ROMANCES... unless you count all the countless fantasies I have of fictional characters before I fall asleep, or when class is really boring...

But I feel freer these days. My goal is to get some leadership experience and learn computer stuff and try my best at applying to a decent college.

Oh and this next summer, I might go back to Taiwan, which is awesomeeee.

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