Market Place

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The next day at the market place, Silver and Snow are on top of the awning. They are looking for food to steal since they're hungry and they don't have money to buy one. So they'll have to steal one in order to survive.

"Okay, Snow. Go!" Silver tells the non-mobian white cat to do her thing.

"Meow" Snow gave him thumbs up with her paw and uses her tail to hang onto the awning.

"Try this. Your taste buds will dance and sing" the seller said and saw Snow snatching a melon.

"Get your paws off that!" the seller said to the cat but Snow blows raspberry as a taunt.

"Why, you... Get away from here, you cursed, filthy cat!" the seller walks up to Snow to take the melon. But Silver snatched another melon when the seller wasn't looking. The seller managed to snatch the melon and puts it back to where it belongs but noticed the other melon is missing. Snow smirks and goes back up.

"Nice going, Snow. Breakfast is served" Silver high-fives with Snow, breaking the melon to have their breakfast.


On the streets of the market place, Blaze walked past several sellers.

"Pretty lady, buy a pot. No finer pot in brass or silver"

"Sugar dates, sugar dates and figs! Sugar dates and pistachios!"

"Would the lady like a necklace? A pretty necklace for a pretty lady" Different sellers offers her many things to sell, she is charmed by the action, but is startled by a fish thrust into her face.

"Fresh Fish! We catch 'em, you buy 'em!" the fish-seller said.

"Oh, I don't think so" Blaze backs off but accidently bumps into a fire eater. It caused the fire eater to swallow the flames and hiccups on purpose.

"Oh, excuse me" Blaze said politely.

He gulps and then belches fire from his mouth much to her disgust. Silver notices her and a strange look comes on his face.

"Uh, I'm really sorry" Blaze said to the fire-eater.

"Wow" Silver said in amazement by seeing her, watching her putting the hood back up on her head and continues to walk.

Snow noticed this and climbs up on Silver's head, using her tail to swing back and forth in front of his face, "Meow?"

But Silver was in a dreamy trance and doesn't notice Snow's tail in front of his face.

Blaze walks in the market place and stops when she sees a poor human boy trying to reach for the apples.

"Oh, you must be hungry. Here you go" she gave an apple to him.

But the proprietor came out, "You'd better be able to pay for that"

"Pay?" Blaze asked but got pulled.

"No one steals from my cart!" he said angrily.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. I don't have any money" Blaze tried to be reasonable. But he didn't buy it, "THEIF!" he roughly turns her around angrily.

"Please! If you let me go I can get some from the sultan!" Blaze said.

But he pinned her arm down, "Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?" he pulled out his sword to cut her arm off.

"No! No, please!" Blaze begged. As the sword is about to chop her arm off, it is stopped by Silver.

"Thank you kind sir" he snatched the sword and hands it to Blaze, "I'm so glad you found her" he said to the proprietor and shakes hands with him.

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