Happy Ending

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Silver was still struggling to get free but Snake Mephiles is too strong. "Sonic?" Silver glanced at Sonic that is shrugging helplessly.

He had an idea and glared at Snake Mephiles, "Sonic has more power than you'll ever have!" Silver shouted.

"What?!" Snake Mephiles got curious.

"He gave you the power! He can take it away from you!" Silver yelled.

"Silver, what are you doing? Why are you bringing me into this?" Sonic hiding behind the column.

"That's right, Mephiles! You are just second best!" Silver shouted.

The Snake Mephiles thinks, "You're riggght. His power does exceed my own....but not for long" he slithered his way to Sonic.

"The boy is crazy. He's a little punch drunk. One too many hits with the snake" Sonic said nervously.

"SLAVE! I make my third wish, I wish to be an all-powerful GENIE!" Snake Mephiles yelled at him.

Silver heard this and Blaze is almost covered in sand as she holds her breath in.

"All right, your wish is my command. Way to go, Silver" Sonic said sarcastically to Silver and zaps Mephiles.

Snake Mephiles then transformed into a sinisterly looking Genie, "YESSSSSSSSS!!"

His half snake body disappears and Silver was now free. Blaze's hand was sinking in the sand.

"THE POWER!!!" Genie Mephiles was growing bigger and bigger as he hits the ceiling.

Silver ran up to the giant hour-glass and picks up a wooden plank to smash the glass hard to save Blaze. The pile of sand along with her slides out of the hour-glass. She gasped and coughed for air and Silver helps her up in his arms.

"THE ABSOLUTE POWER!!!" Genie Mephiles burst out from the roof and gets higher up in the sky with a hurricane tail.

"What have you done?!" Blaze asked Silver and held onto Silver from the gusty wind.

"Trust me!" Silver said to her.

A black lamp then appears, "THE UNIVERSE IS MINE TO COMMAND TO CONTROL!" Genie Mephiles yelled, creating a tiny solar system.

"Not so fast Mephiles! Are you forgetting something?!" Silver shouted to him.


"You wanna to be a genie? YOU GOT IT!" Silver said.

Golden cuffs appeared on Mephiles wrists, "What?!" Mephiles gasped.

"Everything that goes with it!" Silver held his lamp and Mephiles' genie tail gets sucked in it.

"NOOOOOO!!!! NOOOO!!!" Mephiles screamed as he got sucked into the lamp.

"I'm getting out of here!" Jet attempted to flee.

"Phenomenal Cosmic Powers!" Silver said as Mephiles grabs Jet.

"Come on! You're the genie, I don't want--...!" Jet got sucked in as well.

"Itty bitty living space" Silver smirked.

"Silver, you little genius you" Sonic gave Silver a noogie on his head.

Snow turned back to normal as well as did the Carpet who hugs her.

"Meow!" Snow tries to get out of the hug from the Carpet.

The Sultan picked up Asim. But when he and Blaze turned back to their normal outfits, Asim grew back to an adult and causes the Sultan to fall over. The Palace returned to its original spot.

"Get your blasted beak out of my face!" Mephiles arguing with Jet inside his lamp.

"Oh, shut up, you moron!" Jet yelled at Mephiles.

"Don't tell me to shut up!" Mephiles yelled too.

Sonic then picked up the lamp, "Allow me. Ten- thousand years in a Cave of Wonders ought to chill him out!" He turns to a baseball player and sends the black lamp into the desert.

"Blaze, I'm sorry I lied to you about being a Prince" Silver said sadly to Blaze. Sonic watches this moment with tearful eyes.

"I know why you did" Blaze said.

"Well, I guess...this... is goodbye?" Silver said, going up to her.

"Oh, that stupid law! It isn't fair. I love you" Blaze sighs.

"Silver, no problem. You've still got one wish left. Just say the word and you are a prince again" Sonic wipes his tear off and goes to Silver.

"But your freedom?" Silver asked him.

"Hey, it's only an eternity of servitude. This is love. Silver, you're not gonna find another girl like her in a million years. Believe me, I know. I've looked" Sonic said.

Silver held Blaze's hands together, "Blaze, I do love you. But I've got to stop pretending to be something I'm not"

"I understand" Blaze said lowly.

Then Silver looks at Sonic, "Sonic, I wish for your freedom"

"One modified Prince wish coming up...Uhhh what?" Sonic just got surprised from what he just heard.

"Sonic, you are free!" Silver held up the lamp. It floated in the air and its magic surrounds Sonic.

Blaze and Silver watched how the magic began to swirl and glow around Sonic and then explodes away. His golden cuffs disappeared and his lamp's magic faded away.

He reaches for it and picks it up, "Hehehe, I'm free? I'm free! Quick wish for the Nile, Silver!" Sonic said.

"Umm, I wish for the Nile" Silver said.

"NO WAY!!!" Sonic shouted in Silver's face but laughed.

He then bounced around like a pinball and hugs them all.

"Oh does that feel good! I'm free! I'm free at last! I'm hittin' the road. I'm off to see the world! I--..." Sonic ran up in the air and packed a briefcase but looks down at Silver who held back his tears.

"Sonic. I'm...I'm gonna miss you" Silver said.

"Me too, Silver. No matter what anybody says, you'll always be a prince to me" Sonic smiled and hugs him.

"That's right!" the Sultan walks up to them, "You've certainly proven your worthless part as I'm concerned. It's that law, that's the problem"

"Father?" Blaze got surprised.

"Well, am I sultan or am I sultan? From this day forth, the princess shall marry whomever she deems worthy" the Sultan said. Blaze smiled widely and jumps on Silver's arms.

"Him! I choose you Silver" Blaze said.

Silver chuckled. Sonic then appeared in a Hawaiian shirt, golf-clubs and a Goofy hat.

"Oh, all of ya. Come over here. Big group hug! Mind if I kiss the cat?" He asked Silver and kissed Snow, then coughs out a hairball "Ooh, hairball! Well, I can't do any more damage around this popsicle stand. I'm outta here! Bye, bye, you two crazy lovebirds. Hey, Rugman: ciao! I'm history! No, I'm mythology! No, I don't care what I am--...I AM FREE!!!" Sonic said cheerfully before departing into the world leaving a trail of sparkles.

A whole new world,

A whole new life, for you and me

Silver and Blaze sang shortly before sharing a kiss. They were on the Carpet and flew to the moonlight. After they disappeared, the moon shows Sonic's laughing face.

He then appeared and held the story in his hand, "Made you look!"

The End.

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