Magic Carpet Ride

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Silver, Snow, Sonic and the carpet were at the courtyard that night.

"What am I going to do? Blaze won't even let me talk to her. I should have known I couldn't pull off this stupid prince wish" Silver sighs in despair.

Snow tried desperately to open a tuna can but due to being an elephant she couldn't each time she crushed the cans and throws them to a pile.

Sonic was playing a game of chess with the Carpet, "So move" Sonic said. The Carpet knocked away a black piece of the board.

"Oh, that's a good move" He then imitates Rodney Dangerfield, "I can't believe it. I lost to a rug" He said.

"Sonic, I need help" Silver said to him.

Sonic appeared as Jack Nicholson, "Alright sparky here's the deal. You wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a straight shooter, do ya got it?" he said to him.

"What?" Silver asked him.

Sonic appeared normal with a chalkboard, "Tell her....the TRUTH!" he turns the table to show the text 'truth', but Silver wipes it away.

"No way! If Blaze found out that I'm some crummy street hedgehog she'd laughed at me" Silver said, putting back his turban hat on his head.

"A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh!" Sonic said. Silver pulled the chain to turn off the light, Sonic appeared with the real turban.

"Silver, all joking aside, you really got to be yourself" Sonic said.

"Hey, that's the last thing I want to be. Okay, I'm gonna go see her. I gotta be smooth, cool, confident. How do I look?" Silver said, folding his cape.

"Like a Prince" Sonic sighs sadly. He watches Silver flying on the carpet to fly up to Blaze's balcony.


Blaze was resting on her bed feeling down and bored. Asim was feeling sad for her that she has one more day left before she has to marry a prince without rejection.

"Princess Blaze?" Silver's voice came. Asim growls at him.

"Who is there?" Blaze asked.

"It's me, Prince Sifal, Uh....Prince Sifal Qunfud" Silver deepens his voice.

"I don't want to see you" Blaze looked away in anger.

"But-but Blaze give me a chance" Silver begged. But Asim growls at him again.

"Just leave me alone!" Blaze said angrily.

"Down kitty!" Silver said to Asim who threatens him.

Under the balcony, Sonic and the Carpet listened to it all.

"How's our beau doing?" Sonic asked. Carpet made a cut throat sign and Sonic face-palms.

"That's a good kitty. Down kitty" Silver waved his turban at Asim.

Suddenly, Blaze looks at him and sees something familiar, "Wait! Do I know you?" she asked and Asim moves away.

"Uh, no no!" Silver puts the turban back on to hide his forelocks.

"You remind me of someone I met in the market place" Blaze said. Sonic appeared as a bee near Silver.

"I have servants that go to the market place for me. Why I even have servants who go to the market place for my servants, so it couldn't have been me you met" Silver lied.

"No, I guess not" Blaze said a bit disappointed.

"Enough about you, Casanova. Talk about her! She's smart, fun, the hair, the eyes. Anything--.....pick a feature!" Sonic whispered.

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