prince Sifal Qunfud

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NOTE: In the movie, there was a cameo of Beast from Beauty and the Beast. He appears in the part where Sultan builds a tower with animal toys.


The Sultan was putting some animal toys together to make a tower. He carefully placed one by one on each other. That is until Mephiles comes in and it collapses.

"Sire! I have found a solution to the problem with your daughter"

"Awk! Problem with your daaaaughter!" Jet squawks.

"Oh, really?" The Sultan asked.

"If the princess has not chosen a husband by the appointed time, then the sultan shall choose for her" Mephiles unrolls a scroll.

"But Blaze hated all those suitors" the Sultan said, taking out a cracker to feed Jet with, but the green parrot closed his beak and the Sultan holds it back, "How could I choose someone she hates?" the Sultan asked Mephiles. Jet is relieved but the Sultan shoves the cracker into his mouth again.

"Not to worry, my liege. There is more. If, in the event a suitable prince cannot be found, a princess must then be wed to...hmm...interesting" Mephiles read through the scroll.

"What?...Who?" the Sultan asked.

"The Royal vizier, that would" Mephiles smirks.

"Why, I thought the law says that only a prince can marry a princess, I'm quite sure" the Sultan takes out a monocle and reads the scroll but Mephiles pulls it back.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures, my lord" Mephiles holds his snake-staff out to hypnotize the Sultan again.

"Yes...desperate measures..." the Sultan said in a monotone.

"You will order the princess to marry me" Mephiles said.

"I....will order...the princess to....But you are so old" the Sultan snaps out of it and pushed the staff away from his face.

"THE PRINCESS WILL MARRY ME!!!" Mephiles puts his snake-staff roughly in the Sultan's face.

"The Princess will....huh? What was that? That Music" the Sultan came out of the trance and runs to the balcony, seeing a parade.

"Ah, Mephiles, you got to see this!" The Sultan said.

Sonic was disguised as a parade leader and several marchers following him. The sword men was also singing.

Make way for Prince Sifal!

Say Hey! It's Prince Sifal!

Hey, clear the way in the old bazaar,

Hey you, let us through, it's a bright new star,

Now come, be the first on your block to meet his eye!

Make way, here he comes,

Ring bells, bang the drums.

You're gonna love this guy

Major Sonic began singing and jumps among people, stuffing a fire eater's sticks and lifting up two drinking men, even hitting the same seller that tried to cut off Blaze's hand belly. He then showed Silver riding on elephant Snow.

Prince Sifal, fabulous he, Sifal Qunfud!

Genuflect, show some respect

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