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Jade Amelia Thirlwall age: 7

Liam James Payne age: 8

               Jade runs off the bus to see her best friend, Liam, waiting for her. She immediately runs to him. He smiles and waves at her.

               “How was school Jadey?” Liam asks.

               “Li, you are the only one who still calls me Jadey.” Jade says, and Liam raises his eyebrow, “Do you want me to not call you Jadey anymore?” But Jade shakes her head and protests, “No, I like that you still call me that, even though you prefer me calling you Li now.” Jade says.

               “Li sounds more manly, don’t you think?” Liam says as he puffs out his chest, Jade laughs shaking her head, “You? Manly? You wish!” Jade says. Liam pouts but soon joins in with his best friend’s laughter, “How was school?” He asks repeating the question.

               “Uh, school?” Jade says as they both start walking to the direction of Jade’s house. Liam sees his best friend is avoiding the question, “What’s wrong at school?”

               “Nothing Li, school is—fun!” Jade says forcing a smile on her face. Liam isn’t buying it, “C’mon Jadey, I’m your best friend, you can tell me anything!” Liam says to his friends.

               “The other kids make fun of me. They laugh at me and call me a thumb sucking baby, even though I haven’t sucked my thumb in a whole year now! And they think I’m a nerd because I’m smart.” Jade confesses sadly.

               “Those kids are meanies! You are not a baby, and you are not a nerd either. They’re just mad because you’re a smarty and they’re dummies!” Liam jokes. Jade laughs, “School isn’t always bad though, there is a new boy in our class, his name is Zayn, he’s very quiet but nice. Today in art he drew an awesome picture! I think the girl who sits next to me, her name is Perrie, has a crush on him.” Jade says as she laughs.

               “What’s so wrong with having a crush on someone?” Liam asks Jade. She blushes, “N—Nothing…” It was clear that Jade also had a crush on someone, clear to everyone except the person she was crushing on—Liam.

               “I have a tall bottle of cream soda in the fridge, along with some sour cream & onion potato crisps waiting for us at home.” Jade says changing the subject completely; she knows Liam will fall for it.

               “Purple crazy straws?” Liam questions, Jade nods, “Purple crazy straws!” Jade says answering his question.

               “Okay!” Liam says happily and they both race home.  As they approach Jade’s house, Jade sees her mum standing at the door.

               “Woah there sweetheart, where are you going in such a rush?” Jade’s mum asks. Jade is confused on why her mum is in fancy clothes and is not working at her computer desk as always.

               “Mommy, what are you doing in those clothes?” Jade asks her mum. Jade’s mum smiles, “I got a new job sweetie, I won’t be working from home anymore.” She says.

               “Oh.” Was all Jade could say. Jade didn’t want to show her disappointment, she loved that her mum worked at home, and they got to hang out, but now that Jade is in school for half the time, Jade’s mum decided to get a job now that she doesn’t have to watch Jade all day.

               “Don't be so sad now, we'll spend time together still. So now do you want to answer my question?” Jade’s mum said sweetly. Jade smiles, “I’m just getting an after school snack.” Jade says.

Her Imaginary Friend: Liam Payne & Jade Thirlwall (AU)Where stories live. Discover now