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                “Why don’t we just stick with I was friends with you back then like you told your friends?” Liam offers. Jade nods, “Yeah, but what about my mom, what do I tell her?” Jade asks.

                “She probably won’t remember you had an imaginary friend…” Liam says.

                Jade then laughs, “Liam I didn’t have any friends, besides you until I was twelve. She’ll remember.”

                “What about, we met in university?” Liam offers. Jade ponders for a second then nods, “That can work.” She says.

                “And we tell the same thing to your dad?” Liam asks. Jade moves uncomfortably and frowns. Liam sees this and questions Jade, “What’s wrong?”

                “It’s just…my dad and I aren’t close anymore. We barely talk. After I started dating Sam, he hated me. He doesn’t like Sam or the way he treats me. So my dad said if I get married to him, then I shouldn’t even count on him walking me down the aisle.” Jade says sadly.

                “I remember you and your dad being so close, every time you’d stay at his place you’d have this giant smile on your face. I can see why he doesn’t like Sam though Jade, you deserve better.” Liam says to her.

                               Jade nods, “Sam was there for me during my darkest times, I can’t take him for granted.” Jade then frowns, “Other times, I do believe that.” Jade says rolling up her sleeve revealing an old, nasty bruise.

                “Jade, what happened there?” Liam asks.

                “Sam used to be a bit hostile. There was a point in time when I was the person bringing the bigger income—Sam was unemployed, and that bruised his ego. Every time he’d get upset at me, I would jab at him that I’m bringing the money home. He’d usually shut up, but one time he didn’t. This happened two years ago…”


                “Jade there needs to be stuff done in this house. Laundry, cleaning, and don’t forget about our families are coming over so cooking.” Sam says abruptly to Jade.

                “Okay Sam, but I need help with some of these things. We are a couple—meaning there are TWO of us.” Jade says to Sam.

                “I know that Jade, but you never do anything in this house anymore.” Sam says rudely, it’s obvious he’s been drinking. Jade drops her jaw, “I’m paying these bills Sam. What are you paying? NOTHING.” Jade snaps.

                “I’m tired of you saying this shit. I would pay bills if I had a job, I’ve been auditioning Jade.” Sam says. Jade sighs, “I know, and I’m sorry. I’m just stressed out.” Jade says trying to hug Sam.

                “Your job ain’t that hard though Jade, there is no reason why you should be stressed.” Sam spat. Jade stops hugging Sam, “Well at least my job is hard enough to pay the mortgage, electric, gas, and water bill, car payments, insurance…and a whole lot of other shit.” She snaps at him.

                “Will I ever hear the end of it?” Sam starts to get louder. Jade rolls her eyes, “When you trash my job and make you look useless, then I’ll do the same to you. I’m living my dream, and you can’t be happy for me?” Jade asks Sam.

                “It’s just that you don’t spend any time with me.” Sam says. Jade frowns, “I know, and I’m sorry…it’s just that my career is really setting off, you know I do what I can to keep you happy, but I don’t understand why you can’t be happy for me?” Jade questions.

                “I can’t…” Sam simply says. Jade shakes her head, “You’re just jealous that I’m living my dream, that I am more successful than—” Jade says, but is soon cut off by Sam shoving her hardly.

                Jade harshly bumps into the corner of the counter, causing her to scream in pain. Tears sting her vision, and her jaw dropped into what happened. Sam looks at his hands, and realizes what he’s done, he then tries to go to Jade, but she just scoots back in fear.

                “Babe, I—I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me.” Sam says crouching down to Jade who is on the floor. Jade just shakes in fear. Sam slowly but surely wraps his arms around Jade, “I’m sorry Jade, I—I don’t know what came over me…I—I won’t do that ever again.” Sam says frantically. And sure enough, it didn’t happen again. Both Jade and Sam never spoke of it, but Jade’s dad didn’t let it go once he came over.

                “Hey Jay-Dizzle!” Jade’s dad jokes, Jade smiles, “What’s up Pop Pizzle!?” Jade laughs back. Jade jumps into her father’s arm, and he twirls her around, like usual. But this time Jade winces in pain.

                “What’s wrong sweetheart?” Jade’s dad question. Jade forces a smile, and discretely rubs her bruise, “Nothing Pop, I’m fine.”

                Jade’s dad then moves her hand, and sleeve, revealing a new fresh bruise.

                “What on Earth happened Jade?” Her dad asks. Jade knows her dad already doesn’t like Sam, so she just brushes it off.

                “It’s just a bruise dad, nothing much. I fell.” Jade lies. Her dad doesn’t buy it though, “Oh no that bruise does not look like you just fell.” He says looking at Sam who is talking with his parents.

                “Dad, your just finding reasons to hate him more.” Jade says. Her dad rolls her eyes, “I don’t like him Jade. He’s not good enough for you and I know he doesn’t treat you right. I try supporting this…but I can’t.” Her dad says walking out the door.

                “So yeah…my dad is out of the question.” Jade says looking at Liam. Liam is dumbfounded, “He pushed you?!” Liam says in shock.

                “It was two years ago, and it only happened once.” Jade explains. Liam shakes his head, “It could’ve happened ten years ago, it shouldn’t had happen the first time. Why would he ever put his hands on you? He knows what happened in the past, right?” Liam question.

                Jade just shakes her head, “No…”

                “He doesn’t know about anything?” Liam asks shocked. Jade nods, “Not a single thing, even the things I told you some of it, Sam doesn’t know.” She says quietly.

                “Why’d you tell me then?” Liam asks.

                “Because if I told Sam, he would’ve just heard what I said. But you…you listen Liam and you understand—” Jade reveals. Liam flashes a cheeky grin, “That’s what best friends are for.” He says.

                “I bet my dad would love you.” Jade says without thinking. Liam doesn’t say anything, he just blushes and lightly smiles.



Her Imaginary Friend: Liam Payne & Jade Thirlwall (AU)Where stories live. Discover now