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                Jade wakes up and sees Liam cuddled next to her. She looks down and smiles, this reminds her of old times. Whenever there used to be a horrible storm, Liam would crawl right to Jade in bed and she’d cuddle him, until he wasn’t scared anymore or until the storm passes. Last night, it was until the storm passes.

                Last Night

                The thunder crackles louder and louder. Lightning is being seen every 30 seconds, which is definitely not safe.  Jade scurries to the “safe room”. The safe room has no windows and is contained in making it safe during storms. There are two beds, a couch, a mini-fridge, and an emergency kit. Liam who is frightened stays close to Jade. He understands he boundaries though and stays on the bed next to Jade’s.


                The thunder becomes louder and louder, which causes Liam to become very frantic. He has severe astraphobia, and as of now he is doing an excellent job on not breaking down. As sleep begins to overtake Jade, the storm becomes worse and so does Liam. He begins to whimper and does he can to block out the sound, but it’s no use. Tears roll down his face, but he stays quiet so he doesn’t wake Jade up. Liam begins shaking and freaking out, he can no longer take it. He gets up and crawls into Jade’s bed.


                Expecting an angry reaction, Liam braces himself. Instead, Jade pulls him close and strokes his hair.


                “Shh…it’s okay Li, this will all pass over. The storm is going to be over soon.” Jade whispers. She rests her chin on top of his head.


                “S—something bad is going to happen Jade, I can feel it.” Liam whimpers. Jade shakes her head, “No Liam, I won’t let anything bad happen. I’ll keep you safe I promise.” Jade says reassuringly.


                She begins to hum, until Liam calms down and falls asleep. When she turns of the light she hears rustling, she sees Liam is making himself comfortable.


                “Jade?” He says. Jade looks up at him, “Yeah Li?”


                “Thanks for not pushing me away.” He says sincerely. She smiles, “No problem, that’s what friends are for.” Jade says before also falling asleep.


                This Morning

                Jade ruffles Liam’s hair, “Hey, wake up sleepy head.”

                Liam’s eyes flutter open, he yawns cutely which causes a laugh from Jade. He smiles back at Jade, and gets up.

                “Good morning Jadey.” Liam says nicely. She nods her head, “Morning Li.”

                There’s ton of awkward tension still in the air between both Jade and Liam. Scratching the back of his head Liam sighs.

Her Imaginary Friend: Liam Payne & Jade Thirlwall (AU)Where stories live. Discover now