Chapter 10 Also More Georgia

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Hey guyss. I hope you guys are enjoying the story. I'm sorry I didn't update today. I was with my family. Also its been hard to enjoy myself with my great uncle dying of Cancer in another state. : ( but I'm gonna try and make this good : )


--Cameron's POV--

Okay. Honestly I had a HUGE crush on Leah. She's really pretty. Wait. Pretty doesn't even fit. She's gorgeous.

But she belonged to Carter. Also I don't know her that well. I should get to know her.

We were all hung out in me,Carter, and Leahs room. Talking and stuff. Leah looked worried. I wonder if she's okay.

--Leahs POV--

I don't know why I'm panicked. It doesn't feel like others notice. But for some reason I keep feeling like I did something or someones gonna hurt me. Usually when I feel this why somethings bound to happen.

I get up and head towards the door. I need fresh air. That should calm my nerves.

I get to the doors outside and take in the fresh air. I'm kinda doing un-noticeable relaxation technique.

I slowly breath in the warm fresh air from my nose and breath out from my mouth slowly. I do this a few times.

Then as I turn to see who's coming and its Cam.

"Hey Leah." Cam said it softly. Almost like he knew I was calming my nerves.

"Uh. Hey." I try to talk with a mellow voice. "I see you're relaxing yourself. Are you okay?" Guess it was noticeable.

"Um. I guess you can say that."

He began to look worried. More than I was.

"Tell me what's going on."

Here we go

"Well. You're gonna think I'm crazy; but whatever." I pause giving my self a few breathers. Me and Cam haven't really talked since we all arrived.

"For awhile. I would just feel like something is going to happen or I've done something wrong and haven't realized. For example, When I was about 10 my grandfather was sick. He didn't tell me, but I knew. He used to be active. He was old but he was always playing and stuff. My dad didn't tell me he was suffering a bone disease. He barely was able to move. I found out what happened once he..." I started tearing up. Almost where I couldn't finish my sentence.


I make the word I need out. Shortly after I felt tears run from my eyes. I quickly turned away to fix my self. All my vision was blurry from the tears.

"I'm really sorry about your grandfather."

Cam also let out a few small tears. I guess I have that effect on people.

We both walk back inside. When I walked in. Everyone stared. I was still a little pink and glossy from crying. I quickly walk to the bathroom and shut the door. I look in the mirror and more tears fall. I was so close to him. At some point I wish I didn't bring it up because I always cry.

I hear a knock on the door and then Carter walks in.

"Are you okay babe? Did Cam do something?" Carter says as he embraces me into a warm hug.

"No he didn't do anything. I just told a story about my grandfather that isn't around anymore.." More tears fall.

Me and Carter were just standing there. Carter comforting me. He was making me feel a lot better. Honestly I got carried away and stood there. I stopped crying. I'm so comfortable and happy.

Carter pulls me away not far, but far enough to have our faces literally 2 inches apart. I gaze into his eyes as he gazes into mine.

He comes closer to my face until he reached my lips. His lips were soft. So kissable. I didn't even realize how much time we spent in the bathroom. Jack started knocking on the door.

"Are you guys still in there?!! You've been in there for 30 minutes!!!"

By this point we had stoped kissing. My night was made. We walk out and I head to my section of the room.

"Im going to bed!" I announce so the guys know to be quite. I quickly doze of. Unknowing what tomorrow holds.


I hope you guys enjoyed. More updates tomorrow. I promise. But I'll make sure. My friend is also reading this and she makes sure I do :3 Have a wonderful night. Or day. Where ever you are enjoy : )

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