Chapter 7 My Love

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Hey guys!! Hope you enjoy. I'm gonna make it long :D

--Leahs POV--

I'm happy to say that officially, Carter McCoy Reynolds is my boyfriend!

I'm so happy. He even said I could go to Magcon with him! I've always wanted to go. Well, it was before I even knew Carter but, I still wanna meet the rest of the guys.

Magcon starts in a few weeks and I already started packing. I'm a girl. I have to pack everything. It's what we do.

*Few weeks later*

Macon!!! I'm so exited! Carter and his mom are coming to get me soon. I already have all my things packed. I knew I had everything. I checked four times already.

Carter texted me telling me he was waiting. I grabed all my bags. My dad had to help. lol

I jumped in next to Carter.

"I love you kid. Be safe."

"Love you too dad." I said with a weak smile.

_Skip car ride_

Carter was saying his good byes to his mom and grandma. I was looking at all the people and seeing when our plane was leaving. 15 minutes.

"Alright babe.Let's go." He gave me a smile. I couldn't help but get lost into his eyes. I didn't realize I was staring.

"Is something wrong? Do I have something on my teeth?"

I giggled.

"No I just got lost in your eyes"

He smiled and signaled me to come with him to the plane. We handed the lady the our tickets and boreded the plane.

I sat near the window and him next to me.

It was silent. So I took a nap. It was gonna be a long time. North Carolina to Georgia. Night.


I woke up. I was snuggled with Carter. He was awake on Twitter. I must've been out for a while. We were landing.

When we landed I saw tons of people. Guess we weren't the only plane to land in Georgia.

We gathered our luggage and I turned to see..

Cameron Dallas


Muahahahaha Cliffhanger again!! You just love them don't ya? I will update later. I don't plan on going to sleep any time soon  .Xx.

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