The hospital.

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"Good morning doctor."Dean walked down the white painted halls with his clipboard in hand, greeting the nurses as they walked by him. He approached his friend Charlie who was a nurse at the hospital. "How's my favourite patient?". Dean knew he shouldn't have favourites but there was just something about him that he liked, maybe even loved. "He is stable, of course he is not waking up anytime soon but well he is okay." Looking towards the door of his most treasured patient he replied with "Good." Charlie knew. She knew there was something there that Dean wasn't telling her. He never really had a girlfriend but he must just be busy with work right. Regardless of the fact that he was in a deep sleep Dean walked towards the door and stepped inside the room. It was the same as all of the other hospital rooms, but something felt different in there. He felt safe there. There he was, a sleeping beauty. Dean didn't know his name. No one knew his name. He was a John Doe. But dean liked to call him wings. He didn't know why he just felt an angelic tone whenever he entered his room. Dean came in and sat down in the old chair that sat next to his bed. He was beautiful. He was so beautiful. His skin was smooth and slightly tanned, his hair soft and dark, he was neither tall or small and had the most gorgeous face as slept. "How are you today wings?". Of course there was no reply. "God you are beautiful." Deans face went bright red as he said it. He knew he couldn't hear him but he blushed as he said those words. Hours passed and Dean finally came out of the room. For the rest of the day Dean carried on with his work and when the long day came to an end he got into his beaten down car and drove home. He arrived at his house and went into his lonely cold bedroom. He took of his uniform revealing his abs and changed into more comfortable clothes. Dean was exhausted. He climbed into his bed and before he knew it had fallen into a deep sleep. The next morning came and Dean woke up feeling different. It was a good different, as if something was going to happen that day. With a smile Dean got ready for his work and got into his car. He turned the radio on and started the car. He drove to his work. When he got there he saw Charlie in the car park "Charlie!". She turned around- her red hair flying in the wind as she did - and waited as Dean walked towards her. They entered the hospital doors and Dean checked on all of his patients, leaving the best for last. He approached the door where wings lay asleep. Dean always spent more time with wings. He treasured him most of all. Again Dean sat on the chair next to the bed and rested his hands on the bed. "So wing...". He couldn't finish. Dean could barely believe his eyes. He moved. There hands touched. Wings moved his hand on top of Deans and grasped tight. "Wings?". With that the bluest eyes he had ever seen burst open, nearly blinding him. Slowly the John Doe rose up and with confusion and fear in his eyes he looked at Dean. Dean looked at him. They looked at each other. "A-Are you my doctor?". Dean fascinated by this was at a loss for words and nodded like a child. Taking some control Dean then said "What is your name?".  He blushed slightly. "Castiel Novak. But you can call me Cas."

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