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It had been a year. A year of married life between Cas and Dean. It was an early Saturday morning and they were lying snuggled up to each other in Cas' apartment. Dean lay stroking up and down Cas' chest as they sat in silence. "Dean. I want a child." Dean sat up and looked at Cas. "What?"
"I want a child. I want to start a family with you. We have been married for a year and I think that it's time." Dean focused on Cas' eyes as he knew he was serious about this. "O-Okay. Yeah. Yeah Cas let's do this." Cas smiled. "Okay." They got ready and got in the car. They drove to an adoption centre. They referred them to a girls orphanage near the adoption centre. They drove to the orphanage and saw a bunch of kids running about, laughing and screaming with joy when they entered. They could barely get in the door when a woman approached them with a huge smile on her face. "Hello. How are you?" Dean smiled and then said "Hi. We are looking to adopt." The woman's face lit up. "Of course. What age group are you thinking?" They looked at each other. Cas then looked at the woman. "3-5 maybe." The woman gestured towards the door behind them. "Yes. This way please. So you can have a look at all the children and see who you like. Then we will have a discussion, sign some papers and then after that we will have meetings over 2 weeks. If all is well and the child is happy, they will be adopted by you and you will have meetings for another week with us so we know how things are getting on with you and the child. Anyway you can observe and if you need me give me a shout. My name is Robyn by the way."
"Okay." They walked into the room ahead and then smiled at each other as they saw all of the children. "Cas. This is really happening."
"Yeah Dean. This is really happening." They looked around the room and looked at all the children playing and having fun. Dean observed all the kids and then stopped looking when he saw her. She was a tiny girl with wispy blonde curls. She stood in the corner of the room alone. She was wearing small dungarees with a plain yellow top and a pair of slightly muddy yellow wellies. She looked as if she didn't have many friends, the other kids walked by her and never asked her to play. She was perfect for them. He was about to say something to Cas but before he could, she turned around. Dean smiled and chuckled lightly. On the back of her dungarees sewn to the back was a set of poorly stitched on wings. She pranced about the room after that, pretending she could fly. Dean turned to Cas. "Her. Wings that's her." Cas looked at the girl Dean had pointed out. He laughed. "Wings huh? She's perfect." Dean smiled and looked at his lover. "Robyn! I think we are ready." She came over almost immediately. "Yes. Who are you thinking?" Dean pointed out the girl. "Oh yes. Her name is Claire." They both smiled as they clearly liked the name. "Perfect." They went into an office to sign papers and to finally meet the mysterious girl. Robyn called in Claire and she came running in. Her face lit up as she saw them. "H-Hello. So your Claire. I love your welly boots!" The tiny girl smiled and looked up at Dean wide eyed. "Thank you very much." She said slowly and with difficulty. The two smiled as the small cute girl continued to entertain them. They talked in there for a while and then signed the papers. They then left and went back to Dean's house. They both went to the daily meetings over the 4 full weeks they needed too. Everything was perfect and soon it was time for Claire to go home with them. They went to the orphanage and collected Claire from where she previously lived. They took her to a new house, their house. They had finally done it. They had started a family. Claire was very exited in the car and couldn't wait to see what was next. When they got to their house they took Claire in. Dean took her on his shoulders and carried her about the house as he playfully showed her around. She giggled as he did so. They got used to the house very quickly, and to their new family. Claire grew in size and in beauty. They were a big happy family. From the moment Cas saw Dean in the orphanage with Claire he knew Dean was going to be good at this. He was going to be a great dad. He was so right. 13 years had passed and it was Claire's 16th birthday. Dean and Cas walked into her bedroom and she lay half asleep on her bed. Dean was holding a cake with 16 candles lit on it and Cas was holding a small box with what seemed to be a present. "Happy birthday!" She woke up and sat up on her bed. "Thank you!" They sang happy birthday and when the song finished she blew out the candles. She was gorgeous and grew up to be just like her fathers. Cas came forward with the gift box and handed it to her. "Happy birthday my angel." Dean always smiled at this as Cas is his wings and Claire is his angel. She opened the box and saw two gold necklaces. They were two golden wings. She remembered back in the orphanage where she wore her dungarees with wings in the back, ever since then she had been called 'my angel'. She took the necklaces out and put hers on. "Thank you dad. I love it." Cas then smiled. "Your welcome. The other one should go to someone very special to you remember that." Claire smiled and handed the necklace over to her dad. "You are special. And I know that dad calls you wings so why not have a pair." She laughed and Cas did also. He took the necklace and said "thank you. Thanks a lot." The day went on and Claire grew to be beautiful and successful. Cas and Dean continued a long happy marriage. Sam got married to Jess and now they have 2 kids. Charlie is engaged to her fiancé Zoe. Cas and Dean were lovers, partners, fathers but most of all they were best friends. Their long lasting relationship was great and will never be forgotten. To this day Cas and Dean will never forget the first time they saw each other in that hospital.
The End.

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