The anniversary.

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They had both been so happy together. Everything was going well with both of them. Dean continued his job and Cas had found work in a local cafe. Dean and Cas had been dating for nearly a year. It was their one year anniversary in 2 days. Dean was at work and Cas was still asleep in bed at Dean's house. On Dean's break he went to the coffee machine and got a cappuccino. Charlie was there too. "Hey Dean!" Dean smiled at her. "Hi Charlie. How have you been." She picked up her coffee. "Good. Good yeah I am seeing someone." Dean's face lit up. "Well who is the lucky guy?" She smirked. "It's a girl and her name is Zoe." Dean laughed. "Good for you. I'm so glad." Dean went over to the machine and selected his choice of coffee. Charlie smiled. "Thanks Dean. So how are things with you and Cas?" "Great. It's our anniversary in 2 days." "Congrats. Well sorry but I have to get back to work." Dean took a sip of his coffee. "Sure go ahead." He finished his coffee and then went back to work. Back in Dean's house Cas was just waking up. He pushed the covers away and went into the bathroom. He washed his face and then went to get ready. He was planning something for their anniversary that he wasn't telling Dean about. Everyone was in on it. Cas had called his little brother Sam, his dad Bobby, Charlie, Ellen, Jo and loads of other people who were friends with Dean. He went out to do some last minute shopping for the big event before Dean got home. When Dean did come home they watched TV and made dinner together. After that they sat in the bedroom and talked for hours. They brought up old things they used to talk about like Cas wanting kids and Dean wanting something special to happen to him on top of the Eiffel Tower. They laughed and talked until eventually they fell asleep. The next day Dean had work again. Cas had called Sam before and they arranged to meet up in the local cafe he worked in. Cas got dressed and then walked down to the cafe. He saw Sam Dean's brother. He had long brown hair and was extremely tall. "Sam!" He turned around and saw Cas. He laughed "Cas!" He walked over. "Good to finally meet you." He said as he hugged him tightly. "Yeah you too." He gestured towards the door of the cafe. "Well let's go." They went in and sat down. They ordered and their food came. "So is everything ready then?" Cas took a bite of his food. "Yeah. I think so. I guess we just wait." Sam smiled. "You really are a great person Cas." He smirked. "What can I say. I love him." Sam nodded. "Good. I'm glad you are both happy." "So what about you. You got a girlfriend?" Sam's face lit up. "Y-Yeah. Her names Jessica. She's beautiful." "Well bring her tonight. I would love to meet her." Sam ate his food. "Are you sure? I could give her a call." Cas nodded. "Of course call her." Sam called Jess and she could come. They finished up their meal and Cas went back to Dean's house. He waited for Dean to come home. When he did he started off their anniversary adventure. Cas kissed him. "How was work." "Good." Dean went to put his jacket down and Cas stopped him. "Don't bother. You are going out." Dean looked very confused. "What?" Cas smirked. "You are going out." "Wait. Me just me. Cas I'm so con..." he couldn't finish his sentence because Cas had opened the door and his little brother was standing there. He looked at him with wide eyes. "Sammy!" He dropped his jacket and ran to his little brother. He hugged him tightly. Cas smiled. "What are you doing here?" "I'm under strict orders not to tell you. Sorry." Dean looked at Cas. "What is t..." "...okay so have fun and I will see you soon." Cas closed the door. The two brothers walked, Sam leading the way. "How are you Sammy?" Sam looked at his brother with a smile on his face. "I'm great Dean. You?" "Very confused and a little scared but yeah I'm good." They journeyed on, walking through the town. Sam then stopped. He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and read aloud. "Dean here is the first stop of your journey. Along the way someone new will appear. Sam can't tell you where to go. You must figure it out on your own but here is a clue, the first place I ever saw you. Good luck." Dean laughed. "The hospital. This way." The two walked to the hospital. Charlie was there smiling upon there arrival. "Charlie. You are in on this too." They laughed. "Sorry. But here's your next clue. Well done on finding this Dean. The next clue I will give to you is the first place I watched you laugh. Good luck." He shook his head. "He thought I would forget. The coffee shop." They all walked to the coffee shop and there stood Ellen and Jo waiting with the next clue. "Hey guys!" They both smiled. "Hey Dean." Ellen picked up the piece of paper and read " again well done. The next clue I give to you is the first time I saw you tell me something about yourself not everybody knows." Dean thought for a minute. "The first time. P-Paris! The emm restaurant. This way." They walked to the restaurant. At the restaurant there was no one but there was still a note. Cas picked it up and read aloud. "No one here I know they are all waiting for you. Come back to me to the place I first saw you dance." Dean started walking back to his house where it all started. When they got there they opened the door and there was balloons and music playing. But not just any music. Salvation, Dean's favourite song. He looked around and saw everybody he loved. "Omg." He scanned the room for Cas and found him walking towards him with flowers. "Happy anniversary my love." He kissed him so hard. Dean then looked at Cas "I love you so much!" He shouted over the music. "This is the best surprise I have ever had." Cas smiled. "Well it's not over yet." Dean looked at him. "What?" Cas shook his head. "Doesn't matter. Go meet your old friends." Bobby walked towards him. He hugged him tightly. "Dad! Your here. I-I just"  "it's okay I get it. Aww I'm so glad to be here. I'm so proud of you boy." Dean continued talking to him and his other friends. It got quite late and the music started to quiet down. "Hey hey hey I have an announcement to make. My one last surprise." Dean walked towards Cas. His lover. The only one he wanted. "Yes."  "Thank you for coming everybody. Really I appreciate it." Everyone started exiting and they all went home. Cas then grabbed Dean by the arm and grabbed their coats and 2 backpacks that were packed earlier. "Come on." He shut the door behind him. They were both a bit tipsy and started running down the street. Their only light a street lamp and fairy lights used to decorate the town. They ran down the street with their backpacks on their backs and holding each other's hands. "Close your eyes!" Cas shouted. "What?!" Dean was too in love with this man to give a dam. He closed his eyes and let his best friend, his love lead him. He trusted him and all he wanted was him. They kept running until Cas stopped him. He opened his eyes and they were in an airport. Dean was too tired to care. He fell asleep on Cas' lap while they were sitting on the seats. Dean woke up 10 hours later. They were on a plane. He got up abruptly and looked around. "Cas! Where are we?" Cas looked over at him with a smile. "See for yourself." Dean looked out the window and a huge smile spread across his face. He looked back at Cas with love in his eyes. "Cas. We're in Paris!"

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