The planning.

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After the proposal the two spent another week in Paris. When they got back they started the wedding planning. They were sitting in Cas apartment with notebooks, a laptop and checklists scattered on the table. "So have you made a list yet wings?" Cas looked up from reading articles on the laptop. "Yeah. This is so stressful Dean." Dean came over and held his hands. "Take a break. We will do this together."  Cas sighed. "Okay." Dean grabbed a chair and sat next to Cas. "Okay. Let's get started." They had a long day full of planning and at the end of it had found a venue,photographer and have set a date. They were going to have an outside wedding in summer. Summer wasn't far away. They had 6 months and that was it. They put their wedding planning stuff away and went into the kitchen to make dinner. They both cooked their food together and ate it while watching TV. After that they went too bed early as they were both so tired. When they woke up the next morning they got straight to planning. They knew they didn't have a lot of time. Cas went into the kitchen and made coffee. "You want some?" Dean looked over. "Yeah please." Cas poured them both some coffee and then walked over to where Dean was sitting with the planning stuff on a desk. He handed him the coffee and then sat down next to him. "Right Cas you sort out a guest list. I will try find a florist and a caterer and then we will both look at prices. Sound good." Cas nodded. They both did their jobs and afterwards looked at the prices of the venues. "Wow. This is beautiful." Dean said. "Yeah. It's big enough and cheap. I think we should book this one." Dean looked at him and smiled. "Okay." Dean booked the venues and at the end of the busy day the two of them managed to book everything. "Okay. That's that done." Dean said as he closed the laptop. "We just need our suits." Cas said with a smile. "Yeah. Oh my god. This is actually happening. Soon."  "Yeah." They looked at each other with love in their eyes. "Will we go out?" Cas asked. Dean rubbed his eyes. "Yeah sure." The two got ready to go out and then left Cas' apartment. They walked hand in hand down the streets and passed the shops. They kept walking and then suddenly stopped. Cas turned and faced the shop window. Inside the shop was a beautiful suit that was just perfect. Dean looked at the suit and then to Cas. "No way. We are not going shopping we have 6 months and need to save our money right now." Cas couldn't fight the urge, he had to try it on. "Please. Just one and then we will leave." Dean rolled his eyes. "Fine. One and that's it." Cas kissed his cheek and they nearly ran into the shop to try on the tux. An hour passed and they walked out of the shop. "You promised me one Cas." Cas laughed. "Sorry."  "It's okay." They both laughed and walked back down the street to go home. That was it. They have planned it, their wedding. They were both so exited. It was coming so quickly. 6 months. 6 months and they would be married.

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