The coffee shop.

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2 days passed. Cas was in hospital having checkups to make sure all was well. He suffered from memory loss and couldn't remember anything from his accident and some other things. During these 2 days Cas had became very fond of his doctor Dean. They talked and had became quite good friends. On the last day of checkups Dean entered Cas' room. "Emm hey C-Cas do you think... I mean would you want to go get some coffee. I know a good coffee shop not far from here." Cas looked at him and smiled. "Yeah. That would be great." Full of joy Dean then gestured towards the door and said " after you." Dean and Cas walked down the hospital halls and stopped at the front desk. Cas checked out and they walked to Deans car. The drive to the coffee shop was quiet, as if they were saving the conversations for inside. When they got there they got out the car and walked to the entrance. They opened the door and the sound of loud conversation exploded when they entered. They looked at each other and each gave a smirk. "You go find us a seat and I will get the coffee." Cas had already started walking to an empty table in the corner when Dean realised he hadn't told him what he wanted. "Wait. What do you want!".  "Surprise me!". Dean let out a sigh and walked over to the counter. "Hi Ellen." An older woman walked over. " Dean. How you been?". "Good what about you and Jo where's she?" Ellen grabbed a cloth and started cleaning the worktop as she talked. "Awk who knows?". Dean laughed. "Anyway what can I get you Dean?".  "Emm I will have a cappuccino and a ... mocha please." Ellen had a pleased look on her face. "You not here alone then." Dean looked over at Cas sitting over at the table near the window. "I'm with him." Ellen looked for a while and then returned her gaze back to Dean. "He's cute. So when do I get to meet him?". Dean blushd. "We are not... you know we are just... we..."  "It's alright Dean I get it. Just joking." Relief filled Dean as he could feel him go red in the face. "Here are your coffees. Good luck." "Thanks Ellen." Dean took the coffees and went to the table that Cas was sitting at. "Hey. Thanks a lot." Dean sat down and Cas took his coffee. "No way. A mocha... my favourite. I think your a mind reader." Dean chuckled. "Let's just say it was a lucky guess." Dean took a sip of his coffee and then started small talk. "So." Cas put his coffee down. "So." "Ask me a question and then I will ask you one." Cas said. Then Dean replied with "Okay. Emm what is your favourite movie ever. Have to pick one." Cas smirked and sighed in frustration. "God I have to pick one." "Yup you have to pick one." Cas then took a long sip of his coffee. "Don't laugh at me okay." Dean then looked at him with love in his eyes. "I would never laugh at you." "My favourite movie would have to be If I stay." Dean looked surprised. "I never thought you would ..."  "be that type. Yeah I know." Dean looked at Cas. "Well it's my turn. Ask me a question." Cas thought for a while and then fixed his eyes on Dean. "What is your favourite song?". Dean laughed. "Easy. Salvation by Gabrielle Aplin." Cas gasped. "I love that song." They continued talking for hours. They hadn't  realised how late it had gotten until Ellen came over and told them they were closing. Both of there faces were full of sadness. "Oh okay Ellen thanks." Dean looked over at Cas. "Okay well I guess I will take you home then." "Okay." They walked to the car. In the car Dean asked "okay so ehh where do you live?". "Up at the apartments on Lunderson." "Really. I don't live far from there." They drove to Cas' apartment and they both got out the car. They both knew that this wasn't all just as friends but they were too scared to say anything more. "Cas. Do you think you would maybe want to do this again?". Cas smiled. "I would love that. Give me your number." They exchanged numbers and went there separate ways. Dean got in his car. He felt happy, happier than he had probably ever felt in his entire life.

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