Chapter 15

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"I really hate my biology class." I heard Beth said, as she walks up to me and leans on the locker beside mine with a sigh. "Why does Mr. Troupe has to be so boring?"

First period had just ended and I was getting my books. I looked at her and laugh. "I don't know. Maybe it's because he's old." I guess, shrugging.

"Well, it's time he retires and stop boring us with his monotone voice." Beth groans.

I close my locker and smile. "Well look at the bright side, we are going to history class now." I pull on her arm. "Come on." She smiles. I knew she would, because she loves history.

"By the way, what is up with Liam?" She asks as we walk to class.

I frown at her. "What are you talking about?" I ask.

"In biology class a while ago, he seems distracted. I ask him what was wrong and he just brushes it off." She explains.

"I don't know, but I noticed it too when he came to my house yesterday. He got a text and then he got upset." I reply.

"Are you going to ask him?" She ask.

"He didn't answer you, what makes you think he will answer me?"

"Well, even though he will talk to me, he is more comfortable around you." She explains as we reach the classroom door.

"Okay then, I will try asking him in English class." I said as we enter our history class.


At lunch, I didn't see Liam. He hadn't come and sat with us and I didn't see him outside in the courtyard either.

I left lunch early and head to English class. Liam was already in the class, sitting down at his usual seat. Only a few people were in class already. I went and sit down beside him.

"Hey." I said. He gives me a smile, but I could see that it didn't reach his eyes. "Is everything okay, Liam?"

"Yes." He nods.

"So why weren't you at lunch?" I ask.

"I'm not hungry," was his only response.

"Liam, I know when something is wrong. You seemed upset when you left my house yesterday and today you are not yourself." I said and he turns his head away. I use my fingers to bring back his head around, so he was facing me. "Please tell me what's wrong."

He sighs, "My father called my mom yesterday and told her he was coming today." He confided.

"What? Why?" I ask surprised.

He shrugs. "My mom said he wanted to see me and talk." I was quiet for a while. I mean after all these years, why would his father decide to show up? "Julia, it's not that I didn't want to tell you. It's just that I didn't want to burden you with my problems."

I look up at him. "Liam, you are never a bother. You can always tell me anything." I said. He looks back at me and we stared at each other for a while, before I broke the contact. "So are you going to talk to him?"

"Mom said I should hear him out, but I have nothing to say to him. As far as I'm concern, the day he walked out on us, I didn't have a father anymore." He ground out. I understand how he feels. I wouldn't talk to my father either, if he had done something like that.

"I understand how you feel. Do you want me to come with you?" I ask quietly.

He looks at me. "You would do that?" I nod. "Thanks, I know that I can face him if you're there."

I smile when he said that. It feels good to know that he wants me there with him. It seems like Beth was right, I'm starting to like Liam. Like him as more than a friend.

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