Chapter 22

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Liam's POV

As soon as I left my mother's work place, I drove in the direction of Julia's house.

I smile when I thought about her. This girl has really changed me. Changed me back into who I was before and maybe more. She has that effect on people. She is sweet, kind and she cares about people. I like that about her. I have always pushed people away before, so I never knew that I could like someone this much. She makes me so happy.

Her natural cheerfulness and excitement is contagious. I don't know how she does it. Her easy smile, that lights up her entire face, makes my heart race every time. I don't know what this girl is doing to me, but I know that I have never felt this way before.

I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend today at school, but my phone rang and then that girl came along and I didn't want to ask her in a rush. I wasn't even scared to make that commitment, because I'm sure about how I feel about her. She is everything to me and I'm going to let her know that.

I finally reach her house and pull up into her driveway. Now that I will have her to myself without any distractions, I can finally make her mine. I pull the door of the car and got out.

I walk towards to the front door and ring the doorbell. I wait for a minute and no one came to the door, so I ring it again. Still no one.

"Julia!" I called, rapping on the door. "Julie!"

I thought she would have been home by now. I take out my phone from my pocket and dial her number. She did not pick up, it rings and then went straight to voicemail. I tried again and the same thing happened. Maybe she stopped at Beth's house. It was a good thing I had her number. I dial her number.

"Hello." She answers on the second ring.

"Hi Beth, is Julia there with you?" I ask.

"No. What is it?" She questions.

"I just asked because she is not home and she was supposed to meet me there." I explain.

"Oh, I don't know. I haven't seen her since I left school." She responds. "I will try calling her. If I get her, I'll tell her to contact you."

"Alright, thanks." I said, then hang up. I then sit down on the porch steps to wait for her.


I was sitting here forty-five minutes now and I still haven't seen any sign of Julia. I began to get worried. If she had stopped somewhere, she would have texted to let me know that she would be late.

My phone suddenly rings in my hand. Seeing Beth's name on the screen, I answer it quickly.

"Liam," she whispers as soon as I answer. Her voice sounded strained and panicked. She begins to say something else, but I didn't hear. Her words were incoherent as she struggles to speak.

"Beth, I'm not hearing you. What is it?" I prompt.

I hear her took a deep breath, before speaking again. "Julia's mom just called me. She has been in an accident...she is at Kings West Memorial Hospital." She said in a rush.

As soon as those words left her mouth, I froze in panic. I don't even know if I hang up the phone, but the next thing I knew, I shot up from the steps and rush to my car. A lot of thoughts run through my head, but I shoved them away and started the car. With my heart pounding in my chest, I sped off in the direction of Kings West Memorial Hospital.

I reach the hospital within ten minutes. I park in the parking lot quickly and run from my car. As soon as I enter the building, I went up to the receptionist.

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