Chapter 4

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The next day at school, I was heading to my locker to change my books for second period, when I saw Nate leaning against my locker.

I went up to him. "Move out of my way." I demand. I was getting tired of his behaviour now.

"Why don't you make me, bitch." He returns smirking. "I know you want to get your hands all over my body."

"I would rather stick my fingers in a blender that is turned on!" I hiss angrily.

"Come on babe, that wasn't the reaction I was getting at the party when you could not keep your hands off me." He said aloud for everyone to hear. By this time, people stop doing what they were doing and stare at the both of us.

"You were the one that had your hands all over me at the party, remember? Sorry to get your ego deflated, but unlike all the other girls that is dying for your attention, I would rather not see you or talk to you." I said. I watch as his eyes turns cold and he looks at me angrily. He made a step towards me, but I back up.

"Get away from her, you jerk." I hear my best friend said from behind me.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" Nate demands.

"I could be your worse nightmare, if you think about coming near my best friend again." Beth said through gritted teeth. Nate looks at Beth, then back at me before walking away.

I sigh in relief as I grab my books for History class. Everyone that was in the hallway went back to their business.

"What a jerk." Beth said beside me.

"Yeah, I thought he was going to attack me when you showed up." I said.

"Scums like him don't belong in our school. Not even on this earth!" Beth fumes. She was really angry. That is what I like about her, she would say whatever comes to her mouth and she don't take liking to people like Nate.

That is how she and I became friends back in freshman year. I was being picked on because of the braces I used to wear and she was the one to save me from this girl who used to bully me. We became best friends ever since.

I smile at her. "Not even in the universe. I can't imagine him on another planet. Although, I would love to see him get eaten by a bunch of aliens." I said tapping my chin in thought.

She laughs and loops her hand through mine. "You have a weird sense of humor. I guess that's why we are best friends."

I smile at her as we both went to our History class.


I haven't seen Liam all day. I was starting to think that he was not at school.

School was now over and I decided to go over to his house to see if he was okay. It was not easy getting his address from administration. So I had to tell a lie or two to get it.

I was now on my way to Liam's house. When I got there, I went up to the front porch and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, the door was opened by a beautiful woman with long black hair. She had deep blue eyes, so much like Liam's. I think she was his mother.

"Hello, I'm Julia. Is Liam here? I didn't see him at school today, so I decided to check up on him. We have an assignment together." I explain.

She smiles at me. "Are you a friend of Liam's? He doesn't have much friends. In fact, I haven't seen any friends here before. I'm glad to see he has one that cares so much about him." She said, then adds. "Come on in dear, Liam is inside. I was feeling ill this morning and he decided to stay with me, even though I told him I was okay and he should go to school. But that is just Liam, ever since...." She trails off with a faraway look in her eyes.

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