Chapter 19

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The rest of the weekend had passed and now it was Monday. Liam and I was at my house working on the last two sketches. Yesterday, we had spend the whole day together hanging out and drawing most of the sketches. We are ahead of time, because the assignment is due on Friday.

Since we came from school, we were at my house in the spare room drawing. It has been an hour now and I was getting hungry.

"I'm going to make us some sandwiches." I said to Liam as I stood up. "I'll be right back." I add and he nods.

I left the room and went into the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen, I saw my mom by the counter, getting dinner started.

"Hey Mom." I said when I enter the kitchen. Mom looked up from what she was doing.

"Hey Julia." She greets. "I didn't know you were here."

"Yes. I'm with Liam, working on our assignment." I said.

"I hope you and him aren't in your room. You know how I feel about boys in your room." she warns.

"No Mom, we are not. We are in the spare room downstairs." I quickly clarify.

"Oh good," she said walking over to the stove. "So, are you and that boy a couple now?"

I look at her with a shocked expression. I don't know why she would ask that. "Not really." I said, looking down.

She looks around at me then. "What do you mean by 'not really'?" She asks.

"Well, he said he wants to take things slow and we are kind of dating, but he hasn't asked me the be his girlfriend as yet." I explain.

"Oh okay." Mom said as she thought about it. "To be honest, I don't see why. I mean, it's obvious he really likes you. I see the way he looks at you."

I was beginning to feel uneasy. I really wasn't comfortable having this conversation with my mother. It was a bit awkward. "Well, he has been through a lot in his past, so it's still not easy for him to make a big step like that." I explain. Even though I really wanted to be his girlfriend, I was being patient because I understand.

"Well, okay. You know him best." She said, then smiles at me before turning around. "I see that you really like him and he seems like a nice boy, so I approve."

"He is Mom." I said. She just nods her head and turns back to the stove. Remembering why I had come in here in the first place, I head over to the fridge to get the ingredients to make a cheese sandwich.

A soon as I made the sandwiches, I went back to where Liam was. I hand him one of the sandwiches when I enter the room.

"What took you so long?" Liam asks, taking the sandwich from me.

"I got a little caught up." I said, as I sit down beside him.

"Well, while you were gone, I've completed my last drawing." He said, smiling at his accomplishment.

"Really? Let me see." I said. He takes up the sheet of paper that he was drawing on and hands it to me.

"Good." I praise. "You are really getting better at this."

"Why, thank you." He replies, taking a bow. I giggle at his actions. I ate my sandwich quickly and continue with my last drawing.

Fifteen minutes later, I was done and we both begin to make the sketchbook. We decided to make our own sketchbook instead of buying one, because we thought it would be more creative.

We design our sketchbook and placed all the papers that we drew on in with glue. When we were done, we both look at our handiwork and smile with satisfaction.

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