Chapter 26

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Liam's POV

Another day has passed and now today was Wednesday. After school, I decided to go to the park, just to think about things. It was very hard to go through something like this again. However, no matter how heartbroken and devastated I am, I will never turn my back on her. I will never leave her. I know deep down that she needs me more than ever.

I soon left the park and went to the hospital. I pass Julia's parents in the hallway, as they both headed to the hospital's cafeteria. They both had left work early and was here since then. After talking to them a little bit, I went up to Julia's room. I walk over to the chair that was beside her bed and sit down.

I was in the room for ten minutes, when I hear a light knock on the door. I look towards the doorway and see that it was my mother. She begins to walk towards me and I get up to meet her halfway.

"Liam, your father is here to see you." She said. I was about to tell her that he was the last person I wanted to see right now, but she cuts me off. "Just please talk to him. He is really worried about you."

I thought about it for a minute, before I nod. It wouldn't do any harm to listen to what he had to say. After all, he was already here. My mother gives me a smile and I follow her out into the waiting area. My father was sitting in one of the chairs when I get there.

He gets up when he sees me. "I called your mother to check up on you and she told me what happened. I'm really sorry to hear about Julia." He said.

I shove my hands into my pockets and look at him. "Thanks for stopping by." I said.

"I see that you really care about her a lot." He states. "I want her to have the best care this hospital can offer, so I talked to her parents and they agreed to have her moved to the best room available. I would pay for all cost." He adds.

I look up at him surprised. "Why would you do that? You don't really know her." I ask out of curiosity.

"No, but I can see how much she means to you and I would do anything to help her. I want to see you happy, son." He explains. "I want to make things right."

"Thank you. I really appreciate your efforts." I said genuinely.

"No problem. If there is anything else I could do, anything at all, just let me know." He said. I nod my head and he turns and walks away.

I watch him leave. I still can't bring myself to forgive him yet, but I can see that he has truly changed.


Julia's POV

I hear a continuous beeping sound in my head. It sounded faraway and I tried to focus on the source of the sound. It was annoying and I wanted to tell someone to shut it off. I also felt a light weight on my hand and I force myself to open my eyes.

As soon as I flutter my eyes open, I regret it, because I was met with a bright light. I close my eyes and then open them again. At least I was prepared for the bright light this time. When my eyes adjust to the light, I look around me and realize that I was in a hospital bed. The beeping sound that I had heard earlier was the beeping of the machines that I was hooked up to.

I trail my eyes to the weight on my hand and realize that someone was holding it firmly. I follow the hand to the person and see that it was Liam. He sits in the chair beside the bed, his head resting on the bed. Ugh! My head was throbbing painfully and all this looking around was increasing my headache.

I try to move my hands to touch Liam. When I move my fingers, Liam shifts. He then moves his head slowly to look up at me.

"Julia." He said quietly, his eyes then becomes wide. "Oh my God, Julia!"

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