Chapter 20

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The following day, I got ready for school quickly and went downstairs to the kitchen. I saw my father in the kitchen as soon as I entered.

"Good morning Dad." I greet.

"Morning Julie." Dad responds as he poured himself a glass of orange juice.

"Where is Mom?" I ask as I got a bowl, the milk and the box of cheerios.

"Your mother has already left for work." He informs. As soon as I finish making my cereal, I sat down at the kitchen island to eat.

I look up at Dad, who was now at the sink, rinsing out his glass. "So, aren't you going to work?" I ask. Normally, he would have left by now.

"I'm going in late today." He replies, turning off the tap. He then turns to me and smiles. "That's good isn't it? That means we can have a father-daughter time." He teases.

"Dad, I have school." I said, even though I knew he was joking. That was who Dad was. People would say that I got my cheerfulness and happy-go-lucky personality from him. Which is true.

"Oh yeah." He said, faking a sigh. "So much for that plan."

I shake my head a little and half-smile.

"Hey, come on. Not because you are growing up, doesn't mean you can't play with your old man." Dad said. "You used to love it when you were a little girl."

I laugh. "Of course not, Dad. I would never!" I said in a fake shock voice.

"Good. You almost gave me a scare there." He said, placing his hands over his heart. "Do you want a ride to school?" He asks as he began to leave the kitchen.

"No. Liam's picking me up." I said, leaving my stool to wash up the bowl that I had used.

"Okay. Have a good day. I'll see you later." He said.

"Okay." I reply. Dad was about to leave the kitchen, when I stop him. "Hey Dad." I said. He stops and looks around at me.

"By the way, no matter how old I am, I will always be your little girl." I said, smiling.

Dad's smile lit up his face. "That's what I like to hear." He said. He walks back over to me and kissed me on the forehead. "I love you kiddo." He used his hands to mess up my hair.

"I love you too, Daddy." I respond. He gives me a last smile, before he left the kitchen.


School had ended and I was at my locker putting away my books, when Bethany walks up to me. Bethany had asked me to help her with her biology assignment, so she was coming over to my house.

We left school and head to the parking lot, where Liam was going to drive us to my house. Liam left us at my house and bid us goodbye. When we enter the house, Beth heads to the kitchen immediately, smelling the aroma of cookies baking. It looks like Mom was home from work early. I guess it was because she left early this morning.

"Beth, we should be going upstairs to work on your assignment." I complain, following her into the kitchen. She just ignores me.

"Hey Mrs. C, something smells good." Beth comments, admiring the first batch of cookies that was on the counter.

"Thanks Bethany." Mom replies, giving her a smile. "You can have some if you want."

Beth grins. "You don't have to tell me twice." She washes her hands at the pipe and took up a plate and filled it with cookies. She takes up one and bites into it. She sighs. "Mrs. C, you sure make the best cookies ever." She said to Mom.

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