Part 1

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The unnecessary prattle of immature and horny teens invade my eardrums as I saunter through the halls of my new boarding school. I wish I can say I am doing so unnoticed, but due to my not-so-unnoticeable protruding organs on my upper body (or so called 'boobs') I am unable to say I am. I can almost hear my friend's protests in my head as I blame the attention on my breasts. "Thea, they are looking at you because you're hot!" "They don't want you for your boobs!" Well the truth is, I can blame the attention on my boobs as much as I want to now, for they live at least a hundred miles away.

I try to walk up straight; as if the lingering gazes from the boys and the bitchy death stares from the girls aren't effecting me.

If only that were true.

"Hey, new girl!" A friendly voice calls from behind me. I turn around and meet eyes with a gorgeous blonde haired girl with a wide smile.

"It's Thea." I reply, trying my hardest not to sound rude.

"Sorry, Thea." She corrects herself. "I'm Lydia." She pulls me into a hug. "You're the new senior? Oh god, the girls are going to have a field day over you. Jesus, you are hot." She winks. I try not to laugh at her enthusiasm. Before I can reply, she continues. "Im pretty sure we are room mates. Your's is the black bag right?"

Relief floods through me.

"Yes, that mine." I reply, happy enough that Lydia and I will be sharing a room.

"Yay!" She smiles. "Have you got your timetable yet?"

I nod my head in reply, pulling it out from my jean pocket.

"Give me a look." She smiles. "Hopefully we have come classes together."


Turns out we do.

After five periods, two of which Lydia accompanied me, we are finally heading to our last class, which was also my favourite back at my last school, English.

"Oh, just to warn you, our teacher is a complete arse. Totally smoking hot, but still an arse." Lydia whispers into my ear. Great. Just what I need.


Five minutes into class, our English teacher has yet to arrive. I'm actually starting to get really annoyed, I was looking forward to this class all day, and I can already tell I will end up dreading it.

"How long is he going to be?" I lean over to Lydia who is speaking to a boy behind her. He has blonde hair and an Irish accent. He is actually really attractive.

"I had him last year, he is always late." She says, before turning back around to the guy. He raises in eyebrow at me.

"I'm Niall. You must be new?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm Thea." I reply sweetly. Before he can reply, we are interrupted.

"Take your seats everyone." A british accent demands.

I turn around, and take in my English teacher. Although his dark curls are quite prominent, I can't help but notice his age first. He looks only slightly older than me, and if it wasn't for my already annoyance, I would be drooling over his appearance along with the rest of the girls.

He wears black skinny jeans with black boots, along with a white shirt with a polo over the top. His brown locks are pushed back from his face, bringing out his bright green orbs for eyes.

"If you don't sit down Miss Greene" he speaks to a pretty girl with strawberry blonde hair "I will give you weekend detention." He threatens.

She giggles and sits down, but he isn't fazed by her reaction. She just got threatened weekend detention yet she still seems memorized by his face.

Unlawful - Harry Styles. (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now