Part 14

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"I've wanted so badly.. just to touch you." Harry breathes into my neck, his breath so hot against my own skin, his enticing aroma of coffee and cologne lingering so blatantly around us.

Yet to leave the park, he's managed to push his seat in his car further enough back to fit us both infront of the steering wheel, myself on his lap with my dress pooling at my waist. His hands holding steadily onto me as we sit in the dark, my legs cradling his torso whilst our lips barely part.

"Are you sure this okay?" He breathes into my mouth, but I don't reply, pushing my lips to his once more in desperation. I have wanted this. I have wanted this for so long and he lead me to believe he didn't feel the same. He has hurt me so many times, and maybe if my head was clearer and I had time to think properly I would stop this. But right now? It's all that I want. He's all that I want.

"Thea." He lightly demands, using his big hand to create a small barrier between us. "I need to know that this is okay. I need to know that you're okay." He begs, and with those words I know that even if I had time to think I would still want this.

"Harry. I want you. You know I do." I whimper, my hand holding onto his chest where I can feel this heart beating fast. So fast.

"You know that I want this too right?" He asks, his voice shaky and pleading for an answer.

"I- I don't know." I answer truthfully, still so confused on how this has come about.

For so long he has pushed me away-

"I want you. I have alway's wanted you. Please believe me. I know I pushed you away- you no why I had to." He pleads breathless, his hand reaching up to cup my chin, as my eyes finally adjust so I can make out the features of his face.

"Why now?" I ask, dropping my hands to my lap, averting my eyes in fear of his answer.

For a while its just silence, the only sound being the rain landing harshly on the roof of his car, almost creating even more tension between us that I can handle.

"I- I told you. I've wanted you all along Thea." He insists, gloom lacing his tone.

"Why now though?" I urge, just wanting him to confirm what I already know to be true. He basically said it before, i was just too caught up in it all to really take it in.

"I hated seeing you with him." He finally admits, his hands retracting from my body, and falling into his own lap.

"Jealousy." I whisper the words, almost as if I'm trying to convince myself. "Jealousy!" I repeat, shoving his chest with my hands in anger.

"Why couldn't you have just wanted me before? Why do I have to be a last resort because you're jealous of your best friend. It's not fair." I sob, pushing his chest once more before moving into the passanger seat beside him.

"Thea, I know what you're thinking but It's not like that. I have always wanted you. It's just my job.. I have worked my whole life to become where I am today. I was so conflicted.. I am so conflicted. I'm so scared to just throw it away like this. You have no idea." He sighs, and from the corner of my eye I watch as he runs his fingers throw his long brown limp curls relentlessly.

"You could've just left me alone." I whisper.

"I know." He says, starting the car and driving out from the parking lot and onto the main road.


"You can sleep in my bed if you want, I'll sleep on the floor." He insists as soon as I step foot into his apartment, having been in an elevator with him moments before.

This is so much worse than I thought it would be. Harry's car I can handle, just. But his apartment? It reeks of him. It reeks of the smell I have come so accustomed to. It's so beautiful and so Harry that I have to fight the urge to run from the room.

Unlawful - Harry Styles. (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now