Part 17

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"I saw you last night. With him." She states with such simplicity, yet I feel my stomach drop.

"You wh-what?" I stutter, and as a reaction my eyes begin searching for Harry. It's always Harry.

There. At the front of the bus, he sits seemingly content, chatting away to a student he must like. Ha, there isn't many.

"I saw you sneak out last night with him. Do you realise the trouble you could be in? What if you were caught!" Her eyes are bursting at her sockets.

"Lydia- Lydia you can't. You can't tell anyone. Promise me you won't. Promise-" I begin to panic. Oh no. No no no. What have I done? What have we done? Will she tell? Would she?

"Thea. I won't tell a soul. It was only a one time thing right? I mean he lives here, and you live.." She interrupts me.

"Wait, what? What do you mean?" I scramble to find the right words.

"Come on Thea? Hugo? I saw you! I knew it was him as soon as you were gone. You two have been flirting the entire trip." She points out.

Mentally, I let out a sigh of relief. She's thinks it's Hugo. My entire body visibly relaxes.

What does that mean? Does it really matter if she continues to think it was Hugo? Can I continue to lie to her?

Yes, I can. I have to lie. I know I do. There is more at stake here than a friendship. So much more.

"I didn't think he would make anything of it." I murmur, struggling to find something to say. I hate lying, especially to Lydia. She's my best friend. "But we sort of exchanged numbers and he texted me last night and I told him where I was and I guess we just hung out."

"You just hung out?" She laughs. "You are such a bad liar."

Shit. She knows I'm lying. I try harder.

"Okay, we were basically making out the entire time and there wasn't really much hanging going on." I force a laugh but it comes out stiff. "But you are right. It was stupid and I shouldn't of done it, I knew it was so as soon as I climbed back through the window." I look away, unable to speak directly to her. Her blonde hair is naturally straight and her blue eyes peer delicately at me.

I'm sorry Lydia, is all I can think.

"I told you he is hotter than Mr Styles." She smiles as if she's relieved she has finally proven her point. I can't argue.

"I guess." I say, looking over at his mop of curls. All I can think about are his lips and I'm scared if I can't suppress the memories of us together I'm soon going to give away the desire I must noticeably have for him.


Going back to the usual routine of classes feels different. Strange. I feel like I can't see the teachers as teachers anymore; I don't feel as inferior as I once did.

I don't know if I want to return to my English class or not. I'm so scared to be in the same room as Harry. What if I say the wrong thing? What if people pick up on it? What if Harry acts differently and people notice? I know he won't.. but I guess what I really mean is, what if I? How can I hide the way I feel about him?

Suddenly, the only class that seems to matter is English. It's all I can think about. I try desperately hard to keep my attention off of him, but I can't. During my classes, Maths, History, Geography, they all seem so unimportant. I'm always waiting.

The week is torturous, Harry is torturous. He pays no particular attention to me, I don't catch him staring and I don't catch him smirking my way. He is cold, calculated and extremely careful. The only time I catch a glimpse of the real Harry I know, is at the end of one of our classes, where I pretend to struggle to clear up my stuff and I'm the last to walk out. He grazes his long fingertips across my back as I brush past him and my body heats immediately.

Unlawful - Harry Styles. (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now