Part 15

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It's been three weeks since I've seen Harry, yet here I am, sitting on a bus with thirty other students, Harry's brown mop of curls that have grown longer and impossibly more attractive since I saw him last, visible from my seat a few rows back.

Apparently he has a habit of showing up at the most inconvient of times; in this case, a senior camping trip. Of course it's not really something I would classify camping; I mean, we will be sleeping in cabins. The technicalities of what we are doing are debatable yes, but what is certainly not debatable, is the fact that Harry Styles, my English professor, is sitting only metres away from me. How he came to be here? I wouldn't know.

It's frustrating really, the way he can leave like that, without a single word, and come back weeks later looking happy and normal and like.. well like a teacher. I guess I can't really be that upset by it, we discussed what happened between us would not only stay that way, but stay as something that didn't mean anything. It was a just stupid fling, an affair of sorts. Well that is what I try to force myself to believe anyhow.

I turn up the volume on my music in an attempt to drain out my thoughts, nestling into Lydia's shoulder and falling asleep shortly after.


We arrive at five in the afternoon, and all settle into our cabins. The cabin holds six, so is shared between six girls, and contains three bunk beds. Naturally me and Lydia share the one placed furthest to the right, the only one that happens to be next to a window. I shot gun bottom bunk, but realise shortly after I didn't need to; Lydia prefers top bunk anyhow. Aluet and Lyssa are next to us, and then Ava and Jess got the last bunk in the row.

At 6, one of our History teachers Mrs Murphy comes around to all of the girl cabins and tells us to meet in the main hall for an early dinner. There, we are introduced to the 'Camp leaders' who consist of two twin men, both forty years old named Tom and Skip, an attractive young guy Hugo, and a middle aged woman Margaret.

Dinner, which has been created using a stove and other non-camp like appliances, is served after the short introduction, and each of the sixty senior students sit separated amongst there cabin groups.

During my meal, I spot Harry at the table sitting with the other teachers and camp leaders, and just at that moment he looks up, his eyes locking with mine before he tears them away. Butterflies erupt into my stomach and I scold myself for having that reaction. Just seeing him.. it hurts more than it should.


I wake up the next morning feeling overly tired and underly enthusiastic for what is planned ahead. We all meet at the main hall at the assigned time, seven am, and eat breakfast. After that we are told to pick a partner before we are split into four mixed gender groups amongst the camp leaders. My stomach literally drops as I learn I've been assigned to Hugo's group, not because of his obvious attractive looks that I find surprisingly not so appeasing, but because Harry of all the teachers will accompany him on all of our group activities.

Lydia sighs beside me, looking up at the two men, leaning her head on my shoulder. "We are so lucky." Is all she says, and honestly? I couldn't disagree more.

Harry looks down at me, pulling his lip between his teeth before I quickly drop my gaze to the floor. Naturally, as we were all told to wear our swimmers under our clothes, Harry wears his yellow board shorts and a plain white tee. His tattoos are almost impossible to ignore, the black ink visible for all of the camp to see; some jealous part of me cringes at the thought. His overgrown hair is barely pushed back with a headband and his green eyes are glinting obviously under the sun. I have no idea how I will possibly be able to make it through the week without giving way at the sight of such a beautiful and untouchable man, because each and every time I lay my eyes on him for a mere second, the memory of our kiss returns.

Unlawful - Harry Styles. (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now