Part 8

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"Get up Thea!" Lydia shakes my body, but I'm too tired to respond.

I'm exhausted, I barely got any sleep last night.

"Get. The. Fuck. Up." Lydia growls. ripping off my blankets with one swift movement.

"No." I cry, curling up into a ball and holding onto my legs.

"I don't have time for this Thea! Please get up!" She yanks at my legs but I hold them in place without any effort.

"Fine." She huffs, walking out the door and slamming it shut behind her

... the next day ...

It seems as though Lydia has tried to approach me a different way, because instead of trying to shove me awake, she sits on my bed and I awake from the feeling of my mattress dipping.

"Thea?" She gently soothes. "Are you going to come to school today? I think one day is enough. Take it from me, I missed Monday and I have a tonne of homework to catch up on." She tries to explain but my head doesn't process the words.

"Just let the teachers know I'm sick please." I beg, pulling my blankets up further to dim the blinding light.

"You haven't sorted it out with the office yet?" She asks, but I don't bother replying. She knows I haven't.

"You should probably do that. Are you sure you're not going to come?" She asks.

"I'm sure." I sigh, feeling her weight leave my bed, shortly before the door shutting lightly.

The truth is, I don't even know if I'm sick or not. I'm not being dramatic and immature, missing school because of a stupid crush on a teacher. It's more than that. I know how wrong it is for me to feel this way, and I guess I figure, if I can't ignore him during class, my best chance is not going at all. This way I won't have any chance of passing by him, no chance of staring idly at him, no chance of reminding myself what it is about him that has me this way.

My feelings are so stupid it's infuriating. I've never cared enough about guys for it to turn out this way. Why can't I feel for Niall the feelings I have for Mr Styles?

I bet I know what this is. I'm just looking for a challenge or something stupid. I want something I can't have; a fantasy so many teenagers dream of.

Maybe I am sick? Who knows. It's possible right? To not want to go to class so badly, that your body begins to give you a reason not too?

Pathetic, I know. But it makes sense. Come to think of it, I think I have a headache.

...the morning after (Thursday)...

I awake from the sound of my phone vibrating on my bed side table. I open my heavy eyelids, the light invading my sight as it usually does.

When I have adjusted, I manage to lift my arm up and grab my phone. The time is 10am, which, if I can remember my timetable correctly, means I have missed my English and my philosophy class.

I unlock my iPhone, realising it's a message from an unknown number that has awoken me.

Thea? It's Niall. Lydia gave me your number, are you ok? Mr Styles is getting pretty restless about you not being at school, he reckons your using this time to work on your speech or something. Lydia insisted you are sick, but he really doesn't seem to be getting any happier about your absence. Anyway, I have something to ask you. Let me know when you have time to talk!


I lay back down on my bed, confused of why Mr Styles would be so restless about me not attending class. Does he really think I would use this time to do my speech? Probably.

Unlawful - Harry Styles. (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now