Chapter 16

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~~~A/N~~~    Okay, I understand some people don’t understand what the difference between a werewolf and a shifter is. I looked back, and I could see how it was confusing. Okay, with Werewolves, they can only change into wolves. Shifters, however, can change into whatever shape they need to, but the first animal they change into will be the form they’re strongest in. Also, people were confused about the way John was acting before he left Rose. Well, I can’t answer that now, because you’ll have to find out in one of the chapters! Mwahaha. Hope that clears it up! Okay, last thing. Were you guys able to see the pictures of the characters?  ~~~

John’s POV

I sunk to the ground as Luke left. Gosh, why did HE always get the girls? Even when we were friends, he would mess around with my crushes. People never changed for the better. But Rose didn’t need to change. She was perfect in every way already. And of course, Luke goes after her.

But I know the moment Luke tells her about the whole mate thing, she’ll hate it. She always hated being forced into things, and being forced into love will be worse than anything else. If only I could talk to her, convince her to come with me to my family’s castle.

I was trying to think of a way to make this work, when I suddenly stopped. I could tell Nathaniel. It’s not a secret how much he hated the Weres. If he was to learn of what was happening, he would be furious… And he would send for Rose!

Rose’s POV

My heart broke as John glared at me, calling me a slut. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Even though he had left earlier, I knew it couldn’t have been forever. But now, I couldn’t hope that he would return. I still loved him, and now that I knew he hated me, I couldn’t take it.

Before I knew it, Sophie had rushed forward, taking me in her arms. I didn’t care who was watching right then. I completely broke down in her arms. His words swimming in my head, I felt my knees give out. But I didn’t hit the ground. I looked up, and I saw that I was in Sophie’s arms. She said something to one of the wolves, and a second later, all the trees were flying past us.

Sophie ran in silence. I cried silently, not making any noise. But finally my curiosity got the best of me. So I was about to ask where we were going, when she suddenly stopped. Sophie gently let me down, and I looked up to see a huge house in front of us. I was about to ask, but Sophie beat me to it. “It’s our pack house.” she explained, smiling sadly at me.

I nodded, not trusting my voice. She wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leading me into the mansion. Thankfully, there wasn’t anyone in the living room. But we weren’t so lucky about the kitchen. When we walked in, the room immediately grew silent, everyone’s eyes on us. It was silent for a few minutes, until a blonde, not much taller than me, broke the silence. *Isn’t this Luke’s girl? Why is she here?*

Before I could answer, Sophie moved away from me. *Peter, be nice.*

She was answered with a low growl. *She isn’t welcomed here.*

I stepped back, holding up my hands. “I’m sorry. I can leave.” I had stopped crying by now, but I had shocked even myself by how strong my voice sounded.

Sophie turned to me, giving me a strange look. *Peter, did you say that out loud by accident?*

This time it was me who gave her a weird look. “How else would you say something?”

Peter turned to Sophie, but Sophie kept her eyes on me. *Rose, if you can hear me… pat your head.*

I sighed, crossing my arms across my chest. “Why would I do something as stupid as that?”

Sophie’s and Peter’s eyes grew wide, and another silence fell between us. I was going crazy under their gazes, and I finally cracked. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

Sophie opened her mouth to answer, when Luke walked in. He immediately came over to my side. “Why is it so quiet in here?”

Sophie suddenly smiled. It kind of scared me, but I kept my thoughts to myself. “I think father’s going to be pissed.”

I met my mate in a bathroom. Romantic? Ha, think again...Where stories live. Discover now