Chapter 31

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Luke’s POV

Daniel and Joseph lead to the living room, where I was instantly hit with two distinct scents. I stiffened when I recognized one as a vampire. I looked at Daniel in confusion, but he just nudged me forward. “They have information about Rose.” he whispered.

That made me practically run into the living room. I needed to know as much about her current situation as possible so I can get her back in my arms as soon as possible.

As I entered, the two strangers on the couch looked up at me. I stopped when I recognized the girl on the right as the one that was with Rose at the mall. The guy next to her, however, I have never seen before.

He had shaggy, jet black hair, and even when he was sitting, I could tell he was tall. Maybe not as tall as me, but I only knew about two or three people that were my size or taller. I could see small green specks in his blue eyes, and his skin had a slight tan to it.

My father looked up with them, gesturing for me to sit down when he saw me stop. Reminding myself that this was for Rose, I complied without a word. But I still eyed them carefully. Now that I was closer, they both stank of vampire.

After a minute of awkward silence filled with scrutinizing glances, the guy stuck his hand out. “I’m Howie Grude. I’m friends with Rose.” When I didn’t make a move to shake his hand, he nodded silently and dropped it. While my dad shot me a disapproving glance, to which I shrugged at, Howie turned to the girl. “And this is Jennifer Kelly, also one of Rose’s friends.”

Jennifer spoke up then. “He already knows who I am. We met briefly yesterday.”

Howie looked back at her, clearly confused. “Where did that happen?”

Jennifer glanced at me, smirking. “At the mall. It was a pretty interesting situation, actually. I saw them both come out of the restro-”

I cut her off with a glare. “It wasn’t what it looked like, and that’s a conversation for another time. Now, do you have information about Rose? Is she alright? Have they hurt her? ”

Howie breathed a single laugh. “With all your worrying, you’d swear she was your mate.”

My father and I gave him a pointed look while Jennifer shook her head in disbelief. I could’ve sworn I heard her mutter a quiet ‘Idiot.’

It took a second, but finally Howie’s eyes widened in realization. “Wait, what?” He turned to Jen. “You never told me that!” He glanced at us before leaning a little closer to Jen and dropping his voice to a whisper. “What about John?”

By the look she gave him, I was surprised she didn’t hit him. “That’s the whole problem, dipstick. I swear you shifters never remember anything.”

He glared at her while she turned back to us. “Okay, like I just had to explain to this Dumbo. Since loverboy here couldn’t keep it in his pants, we got a serious problem on our hands.”

I met my mate in a bathroom. Romantic? Ha, think again...Where stories live. Discover now