Chapter 29

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Luke’s POV

I slammed my fist on the desk when I lost connection with Rose. After two hours of trying to get past her mental block I finally get to hear her angelic voice, and then she gets taken away. Her whimper was just heart-breaking to hear, even more so when I couldn’t do anything to help her. I didn’t notice when I started to growl.

At the sound of it, Daniel and Joseph came into the room. Daniel, being the oldest twin out of the two and third in command, stepped forward. “Any news, Alpha?”

I dropped my head into my hands before answering. “They know we’re mated. She says she isn’t hurt, but before she blocked me out she was whimpering. They must have charmed her again.”

Both his and Joseph’s eyes widened. “Again?” they yelled together.

I nodded. “Apparently they had to make her sleep on the way there.”

They both simultaneously sat down in the chairs in front of me. You’ll rarely see them do anything separately. We sat there in silence for a few minutes.

Joseph was the one to break it. “Well, every pack member that isn’t part of your family is searched vigorously for the passage.”

Daniel nodded. “They haven’t even met her yet, but they still are full-heartedly searching for their future Luna.”

I nodded. Almost everyone had tried to contact me through the pack link, telling me all about their findings. Finally after an hour of it I had gotten a headache and blocked them out, telling everyone to only speak of information that was extremely important.

Since then I haven’t felt anyone trying to contact me.

Before I could fall back into my depressing thoughts, which all had to consist on worrying about Rose or hating everyone who took her away from me, Daniel and Joseph jumped up. “Alpha, there’s someone here to talk to you!”

John’s POV

The first thing I noticed when I walked into Rose’s new room was her sitting in the middle of her bed, staring straight ahead unblinkingly. It was eerie how still she was. I turned to one of the guards watching her. “What’s wrong with her?”

He glanced away from her to look at me. He looked kind of frustrated. “It was our orders, sir. We were to charm her and bring her here. Once we got here we were supposed to keep the charm intact to keep her from talking to her mate.”

I watched him closely as he watched her. Once again he got the frustrated look in his eyes. “Is there a problem?” I asked when he scowled.

He jumped slightly, forgetting for a second that I was still here. He looked at me fully this time. “She’s fighting it. I know she’s a shifter and that they don’t stay charmed as long as regular humans, but this is different, sir.” I nodded before turning to Rose again. Now that I looked more closely, I could almost see a determined look in her eye.

Without looking at the guards, I barked, “Leave us.”

I knew they were looking at me, and the guard I just talked to spoke. “But sir, the charm will break if I leave.”

I turned around to glare at him. “I said, leave us.”

He flinched back at my glare, and a second later they were both gone. They even had the decency to close the door behind them. I took a deep breath before facing Rose again.

When I did turn back around, she was standing right behind me, glaring daggers at me. Ignoring the hatred that was practically rolling off of her in waves, I smiled. “Good to see you, Rose.”

I met my mate in a bathroom. Romantic? Ha, think again...Where stories live. Discover now