Chapter Forty

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Twilight...not mine (sigh).

Chapter Forty

After tooling around a bit and picking up my guitar from my janky apartment, I drove back to Charlie's. I parked my 'Stang in the driveway and walked inside. Carmen gave me a smile in greeting. I asked her if she knew were Bella was. She said that Bella was swimming in the pool. I swiped a snack and went downstairs. Bella was idly swimming back and forth in the indoor pool. I watched her, my mind racing to all of the naughty things I wanted to do to her.

Since have you turned into a pervert?

Bella noticed me and she swam up to the edge of the pool. "Hey! You get your car?"

"Yeah. It's sweet," I said as I sat down next to the water.

"Grab your suit. Come swimming with me," she purred.

"I don't have a suit and seeing you in that is weakening my resolve," I snorted.

"Are you going to kiss me?" she smiled, leaning against the edge.

"On our first date, which is why I wanted to talk to you," I replied. "Do you want go out tomorrow?"

"I'd love to," she beamed. "Where are we going?"

"Well, I have to make sure that it's doable," I said, smiling at her crookedly.

"Edward, you have to tell me. I need to know what to where," she admonished. "I don't want to be wearing a ball gown to a movie, you know?"

"I understand, Miss Fashionista," I laughed. "Dress casually."

"Like a cute dress or jeans?"

"Jeans," I answered. "I'll let you get back to your swim."

"You can still join me," she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "You don't need a swim suit. Skinny dipping, I've been told, is very fun."

"Tempting but no. I've got a date to plan," I chuckled, getting up. She splashed my feet with water, giggling lightly before going back to her laps. I went up to my room. In there, I had a laptop computer. I got on the internet and checked the availability for the drag race that Emmett mentioned. There were tickets available. I called and reserved two of them. I would pick them up at will call.

Carmen called us down for dinner. I went into the dining room and sat down next to a freshly washed and innocent looking Bella. Charlie was at the head of the table, looking much better. His stitches had been removed and he was out of the sling. He still hadn't gone into work since the incident with James. However, based on his attire tonight, he may be making an appearance at Twilight. Emmett was also dressed up.

"How many more weeks of school, baby girl?" Charlie asked as he dug into his lasagna.

"Next week is the last week and finals are the following week," Bella replied. "I'll be so happy when this year is done. It's been so boring. I'm looking forward to our month in Italy. We need a vacation from this bullshit with Aro and James and all that crap."

"When is that happening?" I asked, sipping my water.

"We go in the month of June," Charlie answered. "Do you have a passport, Edward?"

"Yes, sir," I replied. "A friend of mine got married in Vancouver and I needed to get my passport since I was the best man for their wedding."

"Excellent," Charlie grinned. "Now, I'm going to Twilight tonight. Emmett's coming with me. Edward, keep your cell phone on in case I need you but I'm just going in to check some business issues, having a few drinks and then coming home."

"You'll be safe, right Daddy?" Bella asked, her face paling. I reached under the table and grabbed her hand.

"Of course, baby girl. I'm covered in Kevlar and Emmett is ready to take down anyone who gives me shit, right?"

"You got it, Uncle Charlie. Any douchebag who approaches you is going down," he growled, cracking his knuckles.

"Let's finish up. I want to get into the office and get through the business part of my excursion before going out on the floor," Charlie said as he rolled his eyes and finished his meal. He kissed Bella's head, walking into the kitchen. The sound of keys rattled around and they were gone. Bella was visibly shaken as she watched Emmett's Hummer pull out of the driveway.

"He's going to be fine, Little One," I soothed, massaging her neck.

"I know, but I'm still worried about him," she frowned. She looked at me and two fat tears fell out of her eyes. She whimpered, crawling into my lap. Her arms were in a strangle hold around my neck. I held her tightly. "I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him, Edward."

"I know, Bella," I whispered, nuzzling her damp hair.

"You know, for a guy who is relationship-challenged, you're doing a pretty good job," she quipped sadly.

"I don't like seeing my girl sad," I chuckled. "If holding you in my lap makes you happy, then I'm cool with that."

"This doesn't freak you out?" she asked, pulling back slightly to look into my eyes.

"Being with you, Bella...touching you, makes me feel safe," I grinned, wiping her tears from her wet, flushed cheeks.

"Mio protettore," she smiled. "My protector." She hugged me close, burying her nose into my neck. Tenderly, she kissed my pulse point and got closer to my chest. "So, are you going to tell me where we're going for our date? I'd really like my kiss."

I laughed. "You'll find out tomorrow, Little One. You won't be disappointed."

A/N: Isn't he sweet? I want my own FBI/Mafiaward to cuddle with. Le sigh...Thanks to Jennifer Davis from my Facebook Group (Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation) for the suggestion of drag racing for a first date. If I could, I'd send you a FBI/Mafiaward to be your slave for the evening, but I don't have that kind of magic. *Snorts* I'm also on Twitter: tufano79. Oh, we're switching POVs next chappie...back Bella 'Little One' del Cigno. Leave me some lovin!


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