Chapter One-Hundred Twenty

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Twilight...not mine (sigh).

Chapter 120

Over the course of the next two weeks, I slowly began feeling better. My ribs only hurt when I turned a certain direction and my leg was all but healed. However, I had a lovely scar running the length of my thigh. Whenever Bella saw it, she cried a little bit. Once this was all over, I figured I'd get a tattoo to cover it up. I wanted something to represent my time with Bella if after this, she tells me to fuck off. Perhaps I'll get an enormous Sylvester cat tattoo on my thigh.

That would be sexy.

Nope, not so much.

I'm a moron, really.

As I was getting better, Bella and I were able to do more stuff. Not sexual stuff...get your minds out of the gutter. Jeez. We were able to resume her almost daily trips to the mall and going out at night. She still refused to go to a club, which I didn't blame her for. I was also a bit gun shy as well. If we had dates, we went to the movies, outdoor picnics and she even dragged me to a ballet production. It was a beautiful rendition of Romeo and Juliet. I was in awe of their beauty, strength and grace.

I also managed to check into the bureau a few times while I was on the mend. Esme and Carlisle were shocked when I told them of my injuries. I left the part that I was stabbed out and also refused to tell them about the issue with my arm. For certain, Carlisle would pull me from this op if he knew that I had a bum arm and a sliced leg.

In the middle of August, Charlie got called away to San Francisco to address the ailing nightclub, Infusion, down there. Emmett was throwing a bitch fit about going when I volunteered. I needed to do something. Yes, I'd be away from Bella, but I was going stir crazy. She was a little miffed when I told her that Charlie agreed on taking me.

I just needed to get out of the house. I needed to step away and this was a good opportunity. Besides, Charlie told me that San Francisco was not a hotbed of activity with the Volturi. It would be an easy trip, really. Emmett was grateful for my offer to go and he said he'd smooth things over with his cousin. I loved Bella, even if I haven't said it, but I just needed some time away from her, the house, the cat...

The morning we left from a private airfield, I sent Carlisle a text about my change in location. He was glad that I was doing some intel on Charlie's other business ventures. However, from what I'd gathered, Charlie's businesses and clubs were on the up and up. The 'escort' service was a legit business, with a license and everything. Parking the car, we walked to a small, but very sleek jet.

"Bella's so pissed at both of us," Charlie snorted. "She just texted me a lovely picture of her new manicure, displaying her middle finger."

I checked my phone. "I got the same photo. Don't get me wrong, Bella is an amazing girl, but..."

"She's a pain in the ass. You've spent how many months together?" Charlie quipped. "You've lasted longer than most. You have the patience of a god damned saint, Edward. I can only handle a few days with her before I want to wring her neck to get her to shut up."

"I wouldn't exactly put it that way," I chuckled.

"Edward, I see the way you look at her. You care for her a lot, perhaps even love her. All that I ask is that you look after my little girl," Charlie said as he buckled up in his seat in the Learjet.

I did the same and pondered what he had said. "Charlie, do you think something is going to happen to you?" I asked.

"I hope not. However, the business with Cacciatore and Aro's mounting aggression, it may be inevitable," he replied after thinking for a few moments. "Felix, before his untimely demise, said that Aro is going to take me for all that I'm worth. That I won't live to see my daughter's twenty-second birthday."

"Charlie, we'll keep you safe," I said, looking into his sad eyes.

"My safety isn't what matters anymore. It's Bella's. Edward, I want you to know that I have everything squared away for her if something should happen to me. Emmett knows this information, too. All of the legitimate money that I've made, save for running expenses for the clubs, has been put into an account for my baby girl. The house, in its enormity, is paid for and I have money set aside for ten years for property taxes. Bella is set for life, Edward.

"Now, this is where you come in," he continued. The plane took off and his eyes captured mine. "You need to promise me that you will do everything in your power to make my little girl happy." Tears were starting to fall out of Charlie's eyes. "You are a member of this family." His hand pressed to my chest. "You have my daughter's heart and mine as well. You are my son of my heart. Love and cherish my baby girl, for the rest of your life. Keep her safe. Give her babies. Give her the life that she wants...promise me, Edward."

"Sir..." I began. "What if she...gets bored with me?"

"She won't," Charlie replied, giving me a watery smile. "She's a lot like her mother. When she loves, it's instant and forever. Plus, she's loyal and won't take any shit from anybody." He sat quietly, looking out the window, twisting his watch around his wrist. "Promise me, Edward."

His eyes flicked to mine, beseeching me. With a sigh, I vowed, "I promise."

A/N: Pictures of Charlie's jet and the club they're going to fix, Infusion, is on my blog. Link for that is on my profile. You can also find me on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation or on twitter: tufano79. Leave me some lovin!!!

PS ~ We're switching back to Bella and drama is on the horizon...


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