Chapter One-Hundred Seventy-Three

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Twilight...not mine (sigh).

Chapter 173


Bella and I slept in my bed all day after her father left. Okay, she slept and I watched over her like a creeper. She clung to me, tears streaming down her face as she slept, but for the first time since her abduction, she looked at ease. Kind of. When she woke up, Bella asked if we could stay in tonight. Obviously, she was sad about her father's departure and I got that. So, I ordered some take out from one of Bella's favorite Italian restaurants and we shared a meal in the dining room before choosing a movie to watch. Bella didn't make it through the opening credits. She crashed and was sleeping on my chest, squeezing me tightly with her arms.

The week following Charlie's departure, Bella kind of regressed. She wouldn't eat, wouldn't really talk and was very sad. I was getting worried about her, but I knew she was grieving her father along with her own issues. I encouraged her to talk to Irina and my mom, but they even struggled with her. I hated leaving her alone, but I was still dealing with reports and meetings at the bureau. Aro's case was being fast-tracked and would probably go to trial around the holidays.

At the beginning of the second week, I called Carlisle. I couldn't leave. Bella was in my room, sobbing brokenly. Something had to give and I needed to be there for her. "Dad, I can't make it," I said as I paced in the guest room. "I'm taking Bella to the doctor. She's a mess and..."

"Fine," Carlisle grumbled. "I'll cover your ass."

"You know that I'm leaving after this. My priorities have shifted," I said coldly. "I'm watching the woman I love more than my own life crumble and waste away. Her father is in prison because we put him there."

"No, he accepted the plea deal," Carlisle argued.

"You know what I mean. I have to fix this," I spat. "I'll be back tomorrow. Maybe."

Carlisle huffed out a grunt and hung up on me. I dialed Irina and told her that I was bringing Bella into her office. She cleared her morning. I knocked on the door to my bedroom. Bella didn't respond. I hated to invade her privacy but hearing her cry broke my heart. She needed help. So, I opened the door, finding her on the ground, curled up in a tiny ball. She was grasping the Sylvester cat and sobbing hysterically. Without thinking, I fell to the ground and gathered her in my arms, rocking her gently. She fought me, but in her weakened state, didn't make an impact on me. "Bella, talk to me," I whispered against her hair.

"I hate feeling so lost," she cried. "I need him, Edward. I need my father!"

"I know, Little One," I sighed. "Perhaps you can talk to him later. But, now, we need to get you showered and dressed. I'm taking you to see Irina."

"She can't do anything," Bella snarled.

"Yes. She can," I argued back, picking her up easily. She had lost a lot of weight and felt like nothing in my arms. I carried her into the bathroom, putting her on the counter. I started the shower and gave her a stern look. She was huddled in a ball, crying into her knees. "Bella, I'm so worried about you. Please, baby."

"Why do I feel so empty and lost, Edward?" she whimpered, looking up at me. Her eyes were red and swollen.

"I don't know, but my guess is that you're grieving your father and battling with your abduction," I whispered. "You need help. You haven't eaten, you don't sleep and I say this out of love, but you kind of have a funk going on."

"Are you saying I smell?" she barked, eyeing me angrily.

"Yes, Bella," I replied. I wanted her get angry. I wanted her to feel something other than sadness or pity. I arched a brow and watched as the fire in her eyes lit.

"Asshole!" she shrieked, pounding on my chest. I let her hit me a few times before capturing her arms. I hugged her tightly. She wriggled but lost her fight quickly.

"You done?" I asked.

"You deliberately did that," she grumbled against my shoulder.

"Yep," I answered shortly. "Now, I'm going to put you in the bathroom. I'm going to give you fifteen minutes to shower. I'll leave your crutches just inside the door. I'm taking you to Irina and you are going to get over this."

"I don't know if I can," she said, pulling back to look at me.

"Bella, you are so strong. You can do anything," I whispered, taking her face in my hands. "I'll check on you in fifteen minutes." I picked her up and placed her on the toilet before ducking out of the bathroom. I placed some clothes on the counter and played with Carino until I heard the water stop. Checking on Bella, I heard the blow dryer start and I went to make her some breakfast. I kept it simple, because simple is all I could really do. I made some scrambled eggs and toast. Carrying the food into my bedroom, I placed it on the dresser. Bella was sitting on a chair and braiding her hair. She was dressed in a pair of jeans and one of my button-down shirts. "Feel better?"

"I'm clean," she said flatly. She shot me a look and immediately blushed. "I'm sorry, Edward. You've been...and I've been..."

I walked over to her and crouched in front of her. "I know that you're battling a ton of different emotions, Bella. I'm on your side. Yes, hearing you lash out at me hurts but I know why you're doing it. I did to Esme when I lived with them. I'm surprised she didn't kick my scrawny ass out."

Bella gave me a sad smile. "I am really sorry, Edward. I don't mean to seem ungrateful. I truly appreciate everything you're doing for me, but with everything that's going through my head..."

"I get it, Bella. Can I make a suggestion?" I asked. She bit her lip and nodded. "Count to five before talking if you feel like you're emotionally uncomfortable. Dr. Molina mentioned that to me. I don't have the litany of emotions going through me, but I do have to think through what I say. It'll allow your brain to process how you're feeling. You know?"

"Okay," she said. With a sigh, she reached forward and ran her fingers through my own slightly damp hair. "Forgive me?"

"I already have, Little One," I replied, taking her hand and kissing her palm. "Now, there's some breakfast for you and then we're going to go to see Irina." Bella pursed her lips but nodded. As much as I loved her, I missed my Bella.

A/N: Poor Bella. She's struggling with so much. You know? I know that some people are having issues with her attitude but keep in mind, she's young and dealing with the physical and emotional fallout of her abduction without anyone in her family. Be patient with her. We're at a turning point with her. Leave me some!


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