Chapter One-Hundred Eighty-Three

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Twilight...not mine (sigh).

Chapter 183


We'd been at the safe house for nearly a week. Phil met us there, explaining that our testimony would take place towards the end of the prosecution's case. While we were at the safe house, I completed my refresher course on litigation and began reading from one of my text books from my criminal law class I was starting in January. Bella was working feverishly on something on her laptop, just trying to keep herself sane. While at the safe house, Bella and I had stayed in separate rooms, working with the slow theme of our new relationship. I missed her but I understood why she needed the space. Plus, I think she was nervous about hurting me. I had to go in and have another surgery a month after the initial procedure. The pin didn't set right and my arm was rebroken. I was still in a cast but ready for it to be removed. Dr. DiBuona was coming out the day before my testimony to remove it and put me in a brace.

"Tomorrow?" Carlisle asked.

I looked up and saw my dad on what we all dubbed 'the bat phone.' We couldn't use our cell phones for fear of them being traced. There was a landline in the safe house that only four people knew the number: Phil, my mom, Alice and Rose.

"We'll be at the courthouse by nine...Dr. DiBuona is on her way. Thanks, Alice," Carlisle said, hanging up the phone. "We're on deck tomorrow. Your doctor will be here in an hour to remove your cast. Tell Bella that we'll be leaving early tomorrow, okay?"

I nodded and walked to the room that Bella was staying in. Knocking on the door, I waited for her respond before entering. There was nothing. I knocked again and peaked into her room. Bella was curled up on the window seat, holding a book and sleeping soundly. I crossed over to her, brushing her hair from her face. "Little One," I cooed.

"Hmmm," she moaned.

"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty," I chuckled, caressing her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared at me with unfocused eyes. She yawned, stretching her body before pulling on my sweater.

"Cuddle with me," she said, her voice raspy from sleep. I crawled over her, slipping my bad arm under her neck and spooning behind her. "Perfect." She turned and buried her face into my neck before dozing again. I chuckled, holding her for a few minutes before rousing her again.

"Little One, I've got to talk to you," I whispered against her ear.

"No. Sleep," she grumbled, wedging her leg between mine. "Warm me up." I ran my hands along her back and pressed soft kisses to her ear and neck. She whimpered as she began tracing her tongue along my jaw before capturing my earlobe. "You smell so good, Edward."

Hearing her breathy voice and feeling her warmth, my body reacted and I knew I had to pull away. "Little One," I whispered, looking down at her. My left hand cupped her flushed cheek. Leaning down, I brushed my lips against hers and languidly kissed her for a few moments. "Okay, I need to stop. I came in here for a reason."

"Not to make out with me?" she giggled, snuggling against my chest.

"That was an added bonus," I quipped, kissing her forehead. "Tomorrow, we're going to the courthouse."

"Who's going to go first?" she asked, her eyes deadening.

"I am. I want to be in the gallery for you, Bella. If you get scared, just look at me. I'm right by you. Okay?" I said, drawing her closer to my body. She nodded, throwing her arms around my body. She mumbled something against my chest. "What was that?"

"Can you stay with me tonight?" she asked, her brown eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I know it's going against our slow policy, but...the nightmares are coming back, Edward."

"Of course, love," I smiled, kissing her forehead. "Dr. DiBuona will be here in a little bit to remove my cast. Jasper is cooking dinner and it should be ready soon." She sighed, cuddling deeper into my arms. We stayed wrapped up in each other until Dr. DiBuona arrived. In the kitchen of the safe house, she removed my cast and assessed my healing. Bella sat next to me, holding my other hand. Pleased with the improvement. Dr. DiBuona worked with me for an hour to relax the atrophied muscles in my arm and gave me a list of exercises to do.

Dr. DiBuona left and we ate dinner of some spicy chili that Jasper made. Bella wasn't eating much. She was panicking about going to trial. She would be in a secluded room with Jasper until she was going to give her testimony. I couldn't stay with her since I was going to be on the stand. After dinner, Bella did the dishes while Carlisle helped me with my exercises for my wrist and arm. Once that was done, Bella and I went into her room. We vegged out on the bed, watching some television.

"I don't know if I can do this, Edward," she whispered. "What if I clam up? Freeze when I see Aro?"

"Look for me, Little One," I soothed. "I'll be in the gallery. I promise."

She nodded and pressed her ear directly above my heart. She sighed, listening to its steady thrum. We lay there, the television on in the background. "Thank you, Edward. For being everything to me," she said quietly. "I know I was a fool before. I couldn't have done all of this without you. I never knew what it meant to be in love until I met you. I love you, Edward. Forever."

"As I love you, Bella," I murmured back. "I'll always be with you, Little One." She smiled sweetly before kissing my lips and curling to my side.

A/N: Up next will be the trial and Edward's testimony. I'm not an attorney. My only experience with lawyers was my own divorce and watching a lot of Law and Order. Leave me some!

my co#

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