Chapter One-Hundred Eighty-Eight

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Twilight...not mine (sigh).

Chapter 188


Edward touched my scars. He touched my scars. I was mildly panicking but I didn't shove him away or run into the bathroom in a complete meltdown. I was pondering this breakthrough in the shower as I ran my hands over the scars on my body. They would never go away. I would forever be littered with cigarette burns, cuts, marks and ugly scarring from the monsters and surgeries, but Edward never once looked at them. His eyes, swirling with such sadness, devotion and love, never left mine. And the way he handled it was perfect.

"Bella, I hate to rush you, but we've got to get going sooner rather than later," Edward called to me. "The press got wind that the case could be going to the jury today and their swirling like vultures outside of the courthouse."

"Almost finished," I replied, turning off the water. I swiped a towel, wrapping it around my body and carefully getting out of the shower. Quickly, I braided my hair and applied simple makeup before putting on my jewelry: my heart pendant, two bracelets and Edward's promise ring. Padding out to the bedroom, I dressed sedately in another pant suit. Sighing lowly, I shoved my feet into a pair of leopard print flats and went to take my medications. In the kitchen of the safe house, I saw Jasper, Carlisle and Edward drinking some coffee. Edward was reading a newspaper, wearing a black suit and charcoal gray tie, making notations on a pad of paper. Carlisle and Jasper were barely coherent. "What's happening today?" I asked.

"You were the last prosecution witness," Edward said, putting down his pen. "The defense is going to call their witnesses."

"Two of 'em," Jasper snorted.

"Only two?" I squeaked. Edward nodded, giving me his cocky, confident smirk. I walked toward him, slipping my arms around his slender waist. "What about after; when those witnesses are done?"

"Closing arguments and then the jury takes over," Edward explained. "I can't say that I know what the jury is going to do, but based on the pictures of your injuries and the expressions on their faces, he's got a guilty verdict. All they need to agree is the sentence."

"It needs to be unanimous for the death penalty," Carlisle chimed in. He checked his watch. "We've got to go. The weather sucks and I know traffic is going to be a bear."

We bundled up. I scowled when I looked outside. It was still raining. Wrapping his arm around my waist, Edward helped me to the SUV. It was a somber, quiet ride. Carlisle pulled up to the same entrance we used last time, scrambling into the courthouse without the scrutiny of the press. Once inside, we all settled into the gallery, waiting for the start of the next step of the trial. Phil strode in first with Brianne following him. Miss Gregory skulked afterward, looking a little worse for wear. Ten minutes later, Aro was brought in, wearing an orange jumpsuit, a dramatic difference from yesterday when he was wearing a slick suit. He looked exhausted and was sporting a black eye. Shortly after Aro was brought in, the judge was announced and the proceedings continued.

All through the morning, Edward explained things to me when I had questions. Aro's attorney was in so over her head. She stumbled through her questioning of her own witnesses and Phil just tore them apart. The defense was concluded by lunchtime and after recess, closing arguments were going to be done and the trial was going to be sent to the jury. At the end of the day, Aro's future was in the hand of seven women and five men, not to mention the three alternates.

In the car, I curled up against Edward. "Can I go home now?" I whispered against his shoulder.

"In the morning, piccolo," he replied against my hair. "I'll take you back to your condo in the morning."

The next morning dawned dark and gray. The rain had turned to snow and it was coming down steadily. My leg was throbbing and all I wanted was to be in my bed with Edward cuddled with me with our crazy cat. Thankfully, that happened. Edward's Volvo was dropped off by his mom when she came to pick up Carlisle. Edward drove me back to my condo and agreed to stay with me for at least one night before going back to his condo to do laundry and go into work, wrap up his time with the FBI.

A couple days after the trial concluded and was sent to the jury, Edward received a phone call from Phil. We were out Christmas shopping. "Tomorrow at ten?" Edward asked. "We'll be there. Thanks, Phil." Edward hung up his phone, looking over at me. "Jury's back. Tomorrow, we're going to find out if Aro is presumed innocent or found guilty."

A/N: Okay, slight fib...Verdict is in the next chapter, plus lead up to Christmas and the return of lemons. I'm giving you a warning, chapter 190 will be a longer chappie due to the lemons. Just sayin...Leave me some!


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