Han Solo {Hamilton X Laurens}

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A/N: First one! :). Umm yea, F.I.Y Don'task me if any Star Wars fact in this are true. I don't know anyway bye-bye.

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Tumblr User: Hamiltrashy-imagines

Warnings- Nerd fight, Mild swearing (The word hell is used like once), Gay, Lams, To fluffing cute.

Time Period: HamilNow

[A/N I feel like modern! John Laurens would be a massive dork and just love all the nerdy stuff like Star Wars and the like. Now, I don't know how good this is but I hope you like it.]

"Han Solo isn't that great." John couldn't believe what he was hearing. How the hell could Alexander think that? John loved the guy but it was times like this that he questioned his feelings. The plan was just to have a quiet night in with his boyfriend with some movies and maybe a little bit of making out but now he has to go and tell Alex how wrong he is.

John shook his head and sat up in the bed, mimicking his boyfriend. "Alex, do you even know who that is? Because if you did, you wouldn't be saying that. This one time, Han Solo smuggled himself, Luke, Chewbacca and Obi-Wan past the Empire in the Millennium Falcon to save Princess Leia. Also, in The Empire Strikes Back, he cut open his dead Tauntaun with Luke's lightsaber so its residual body heat could keep Luke warm. Han Solo was the best thing that Star Wars ever had."

"You're such a nerd" Alexander laughed.

"Says you, Mr. Write-Until-My-Fingers-Fall-Off! And don't try telling me you don't write that much because you wrote a 3000 word article on how much Madison and Burr annoyed you at the Jenga tournament last night before I even woke up this morning. I know because I woke up to loud, angry keyboard tapping." John grinned and rested his head on Alexander's chest, tangling their legs together. "Now stop avoiding the subject. Was my grand presentation enough to convince you that Han Solo is the greatest and that you are, in fact wrong?"

"Uh, no. Because I wasn't wrong." Alex scoffed playfully, running his fingers up and down his significant other's spine.

"Fine. No more back rubs or pancakes ever again." John pouted indignantly.

"You wouldn't!" Alex gasped, looking down at him. John shrugged. Alex gasped again "You would! You absolute monster!"

The freckled man grinned iniquitously and shrugged once more, "Are you ready to admit defeat?" John felt Alex's shoulders sag and heard him sigh.

"Fine." Alexander mutters reluctantly. "For once... I was wrong."

"Ohh, did those words burn coming out of your mouth, babe?" John laughed "I'm kidding! You still get back rubs and pancakes, I promise" Alex smiled and placed a delicate kiss on his boyfriend's head, now tracing random patterns on his bare back contentedly.

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