That Photo Stays Between Me and You (HamiltonxReader)

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Tumblr User:Hamiltimedaadadada

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Word Count: 1360

A/N: I've been procrastinating for the past few days and was able to spit out some short little imagines, and here's one of the them; also, why do I write about photographers so frequently

"What was your promise to me, Alexander?" You asked accusingly, raising your eyebrows in annoyance.

He sighed, but didn't move his eyes from the papers scattered all around himself. "At least six hours every night."

You nodded your head, "And you've been working all day, Alex, let's just go to bed," you suggested softly. You walked over to him from the doorframe, and let your cheek rest on his head, your hands rising gently on both of his shoulders. "I'll play with your hair while you fall asleep," you offered, running your hands over his shoulders soothingly. "Does that sound nice?"

Alexander nodded his head, but sighed, "I guess," he said quietly, scooting his chair back, slightly.

You grinned and took his hand, leading him away from his desk, his work, and all of his stress. "If you fall asleep soon, you can still be up bright and early," you said, pulling the duvet back for him to crawl into. Once he did, you pulled it back up to cover him.

Alex nodded as you began changing into your pyjamas, "Do you have to work tomorrow, too?" He asked, turning to lay on his back so he could look at you.

You nodded your head; "Yeah. Marie asked me to take engagement pictures for her and Lafayette. I'll be gone for most of the day."

He nodded his head in understanding; "But we're taking the weekend off?" He asked, his voice quiet with his sleepiness.

You nodded your head as you crawled into bed beside your boyfriend, "Mhm," you replied, reaching out to play with Alexander's hair.

He closed his eyes and cuddled into you, "Okay," he muttered, "I'll try to get all of my work down tomorrow then."

You grinned and leaned down, giving him a small kiss on the top of his head; "Alright," you whispered, "Don't work yourself into the ground, though, okay?"

He nodded his head so softly that if he wasn't leaning against you, and you couldn't feel it, you wouldn't have realized he had done it at all.


The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed, as usual. Sighing, you flung off the covers and made your way into the bathroom, passing Alexander's office on the way.

"Morning," you grinned as you passed on by.

"Morning, Love," Alex replied hurriedly, clearly not having any time for affection this morning.

You shook your head.

After readying yourself, and collecting all of your camera equipment, your final task for the morning was to make sure that both you and Alex had something to eat. You flung some porridge on the stove and prepared a variety of fruit to throw in it, and made two cups of coffee.

Once you were done, nearly fifteen minutes later, you took your breakfasts into his office. "Hungry?" You asked, sitting his porridge on his desk, along with his mug of black coffee.

Alexander nodded his head, scooping some of his meal into his mouth, before getting straight back into business. "Thanks," he said through a mouthful of berries, "You're the best."

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