Phillip's First Day (ElamsxReader)

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tumblr user thechosenonwrites

A/N:poly in this

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Pairing/s: Elams x Reader, Eliza x John x Reader x Alex

Phillip's first day of school. This one is vv short but I just had a burst of inspiration and really wanted to write some Elams man,, I didn't know how weak is was for this ship,, it's just,,, so cute,, I'm love. Anyway I hope you like this it's written with love. ❤ Also I spelt sunshine, 'sonshine' on purpose. ;;3

none, is fluff is good.

"Betsey do you have the uh-the-thing?" Alexander rushed into the open longue and waving his arms around with furrowed brows, you looked up from tying up Phillips hair and smirked at Alexander's dishevelled appearance; he had literally jumped (fallen) out of bed and barely stopped to put his pants on. Eliza giggled and placed a sandwich in Phillips brand new lunch box, along with a juice box and some treats.
"Phillips present is in the right draw in our bedside table hun." Eliza said teasingly, Phillips eyes lit up and he gasped, leaning back to look up at you, bouncing excitedly.

"Present?!" He nearly shouted at you causing you to laugh, you pressed a kiss to his forehead and he grinned even wider.
"Yeah sonshine, it is your first day of school after all; we wanted to get you something special." You told him with a loving smile, looking down at your son as he bounced excitedly. You heard Alex say a quick thank you before racing back to your bedroom, Eliza chuckled and walked over to Phillip and yourself; she placed a sweet kiss to both your temples and handed Phillip his lunch box.
"Do you want to go put this in your bag pip?" Eliza asked with a warm smile, Phillip nods his head furiously and rushes into the kitchen to where his bag is sat on the kitchen table.

You stand with Eliza's help and place a soft kiss to her lips, once you part you both turn and watch Phillip with proud smiles.
"Okay we ready to go?" John walks in, a small husky puppy rushing past his legs and heading straight to Phillip, who picks her up. Bag now on he rushes to John with a bright smile.
"Dad can I bring Angie with me to school? Pleeeeeeease?" You and Eliza giggle as Phillip gives his best puppy dog eyes to John, who laughs and kneels down to ruffle his hair.
"Hey I just did his hair! John!" You whined , leaning forward with a small playful frown; John simply winks at you before fixing Phillips lil' tie.

"Nah, we gotta leave Angie here so she can take care of your mom's okay? But she'll drop you off and come with us to pick you up after school how's that sound?" John suggested with a wide grin, Phillip nodded and put Angie down so he could hug his dad.
"Okay, thanks dad," Phillip let go of John and turned to the puppy who excitedly wagged her tail, the small boy crouched down and cupped the dogs snout gently with his hands, "okay Angie, i'm gonna be at school today so you gotta stay home and look after ma and momma, got it?" He instructed the puppy with an adorably serious tone and he giggled once Angie barked and licked his face in response.

"Okay good." He says and stands up again, John doing the same and taking the small boys hand. You take Eliza's hand and the four of you walk into the foyer, just in time to see Alex nearly trip on the stairs in his rush; John caught him of course. Both men laugh, John placing a small kiss on Alex's cheek before letting Alex move to kneel in front of Phillip with a proud smile.
"Phillip, as it's your first day of school your mothers and dad and I decided we should get you something special," Phillip gasped as Alex held out a small flip phone.

It didn't seem like much but it was very important to you all and by the look on Phillip's face he was very happy with it.
"This is so you can call us when you're at school, if you ever need us i've put all our numbers on speed-dial. I know it's not the latest phone but this is just until your old enough for-" Alex began only to be cut off by Phillip jumping into his arms.
"Thank you dad!" Phillip exclaimed in glee, when he pulled back you were all welcomed with a teary eyed smile from Phillip, who looked absolutely ecstatic as Alex handed him the phone with an adoring smile.
"This is awesome!! Thank you!" Phillip laughed happily, jumping up and down as he looked at his cool new phone.

You all felt tears brim your eyes as you moved forward to capture him an a group hug, all of you covering him with kisses. Phillip laughed happily and kissed all of your cheeks before you let him go.
"Okay sonshine! Who's ready to go to school?!" You exclaimed, jumping up, Phillip followed you and jumped beside you, taking your hand.
"I am!!" He shouted back with a grin.
"And who's gonna be the best kid in class?" Alex jumped in with a proud smile, Eliza and John rolling their eyes at his statement yet secretly agreeing.
"I am pa!" Phillip giggled, bouncy happily in his spot.
"Well then let's hit the road!" John smiled, walking to the door and holding it open for you all, you and Phillip skipped out first with Angie at your feet, Eliza following after, giving John a peck on the lips and then Alex who took Johns hand in his own before they both walked out.

You all got into the car and drove Phillip to his first day of school, laughing and hyping Phillip up for it; all of you nearly crying as you watched him walk into the gates for the first time. Eliza did burst into tears when he almost instantly made friends with a small girl, Alex making a comment how he's started early in the heartbreaker department. You hit him playfully and continue to watch your sonshine until he disappears into the school building with a wave in your direction.

You all wave back and stand there for a few more moments letting it all sink in, you soon turn around and make your way back to the car.
"We're doing good right?" You ask as you all stand beside your car, Alex, John and Eliza all stop and look at you as you nervously play with the ends of your sleeves; looking up at them with a worried smile. Alex was the first to move forward, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting hug, John and Eliza following after him now engulfing you between the three of them.

"I think we're doing very good." Alex states softly whilst placing a soft kiss to your forehead. You laugh, tears brimming your eyes as you enjoyed the feeling of being held by your husbands and wife, this was perfect; just like how you always imagined it. There was so much love and happiness you sometimes felt like your heart would burst and now with Phillip everything seemed to just keep getting better.
"Let's go, I have to get to work soon and so does John." Alex cooed gently, the three of you reluctantly untangling yourselves from each other and making your way to the car, getting ready to wait for your sonshine to get back from his first day, hoping it was a good one.

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