It All Started with some Red Vines (KG11xReader)

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Tumblr User: Writelikeyouneeditto-survive

Warining: Cursing, Fighting, Anger

Time Period: Hamilnow


You frowned at your watch as the hour hand meet it's counterpart at the 3.

He was officially fifteen minutes late, maybe he forgot what showing they were going to see, but seriously you were going to miss the movie if he didn't show up soon.

You pulled your phone out of your bag, and sent him a quick text to tell him to hurry up.

You put your phone back, and looked in your bag full of movie candy with temptation.
Sure the red vines were George's, and sure you had your own candy for the movie, but he was making you late so it was fair, right?
You reached down and tried to open the bag with one hand.

Almost got it! almost got it! Nope, screw that, that's not going to work.

"Are you okay?"

The voice behind you sounded concerned and amused, but you still jumped at getting caught trying to steal your best friends candy.

"Gah! Wha.. who"

You turned and was faced with a raised eyebrow and a smug look.

"Yes you..."

He looked down at the bag of red vines that you now held in a death grip.

"Do you need help opening that?"

Your mouth hung open and you just frantically looked between the bag of candy, and the cute boy.

"Um I... I...I.... ok?.."

You hesitated before handing over the bag of candy.

He easily opened the bag and grabbed a piece for himself before giving it back to you.

"So what's a pretty thing like you doing just standing here all alone?"

You could feel your checks burn and you stared at the candy in your shaking hands.

"I... umm... I...I"

Shame filled your chest at your inability to talk properly, so you just numbly pointed to the theater.

"... movie".

You couldn't see his face but you could hear the smirk in his voice.

"The movies huh?, your not going alone are you?"

You just shook your head and hesitantly looked up at his face... you were right he was smirking.


You took a deep steadying breath, you only stuttered when you were nervous you needed to calm down.

"I'm...I'm going with a friend"

"A friend huh? Is she as pretty as you?"

He leaned in closer and you took a step backwards, and shook your head and tried to explain that your friend was a guy, but he interrupted you before you could get a single word out.

"Conceited little thing aren't you? Well how about this gorgeous, after your movie you let me treat you to dinner, what do you say? About six?"

You opened and closed your mouth several times, blushing heavily, before nodding shallowly.

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