Never Let Her Go. (Thomas JeffersonxReader)

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A/N: Hi shout out to @superthewomen1 for comenting Angelica's imagine

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Tumblr User: Riseupimagines

Warnings- Cheating, IDK,might have small curssing.

Time Period: HamilNow

This is a modern spin off of "We Know." What if there was something more behind the confrontation. What if there was something personal James and Thomas had against Alexander and what if there was something Alexander wanted to keep more than his reputation?

Alexander stood, quaking and terrified, completely at the mercy of Aaron Burr, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson, because of what they knew. He timidly handed them the letter, knowing that he might be signing away his happiness in order to clear his name.
He saw Thomas's myriad of emotions: anger, confusion, a glint of hope.
It was a pivotal moment of a hurricane of emotions that had been going on for years. It had begun in the senior year of college.
Your head jerked up, your attention captured once again by his brilliance and his fiery passion. You grinned watching him passionately argue his case.

"Y/N!" Your friend said, jerking you back to attention. You to tried to hide your blush at being caught. He didn't seem to notice.

"Hi Thomas." You said, smiling at your friend as he slid into the seat next to you with his lunch.
He looked handsome as ever, his curls wild, his smile broad, and his eyes seemed brighter than ever. The only thing lacking was...

"Thomas, where's Ashley?" You asked.

"Who?" He asked.

"Your girlfriend?"

"She isn't my girlfriend. Wasn't. Anyways, whatever we were she got upset with me for spending so much time with you, so she had to go." Thomas said.

Your heart warmed. In all the years you guys had been in college, he'd had one or two girlfriends. He never let them interfere with your friendship. You didn't date anymore. Not after a horrible experience where your boyfriend had cheated on you. That had scarred you. Even today, you sometimes felt as though you weren't enough for anyone.

"But that's not what I wanted to talk about...I got you something." Thomas said, sliding your favorite dessert across the table to you. You smiled at his sweetness. You noticed his eyes wandering, and you followed them. You saw your other friend James Madison. For some reason he was sitting under a tree, quite a ways away from you guys. He was nodding at Thomas, seemingly encouragingly.

Thomas turned back to you.

"I, uh, heard that you've got a crush on somebody. Some strong feelings. Do you wanna tell me more about that?" Thomas asked, a sly lilt in his eyes.
Suddenly you realized that James had told Thomas about your crush on Alexander Hamilton!

"I can't believe James told you. Well, for your information. It is indeed true. He's extremely intelligent, and handsome and passionate....I don't know what to do about it though." You said.
Thomas's grin nearly split his face in half and his eyes were so bright they rivaled the sun.

"Y/N you are amazing. You are intelligent, and sweet, and gorgeous, and supportive. Any guy would be lucky to be with you and if they know you well enough then they know that. Go for it." He said.

"You're right." You said. Getting a burst of courage from Thomas's words, you stood up from your chair.

Thomas looked confused and baffled. You didn't notice, as you focused on Alexander, making your way to him.

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