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( quartz! )

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( quartz! )


THE CAFÉ WAS A QUIET, WARM SANCTUARY. The scent of coffee lingered in the air, mixed with lavender and rose from the flowers potted outside. A book layed on the table in front of you, your steaming drink beside it. You were content, well, almost.

"He's staring again," Magnus whispered, eyes locked intently in the distance. You looked over at the blond man in mention, catching his gaze. He blushed and looked away, prompting his friend to nudge him. "I think he likes you."

You bit back a smile. "Focus on your homework."

"But it's so boring!" Magnus whined, puffing his cheeks out. "Can't you finish it for me?"

"Magnus, you ---"

"He's coming over!"

Startled, you looked up to find the blond man being ushered towards your table by his friend. He was tall and broad shouldered, making the sight of the smaller man urging him on amusing.

"Hi there, I'm Sam and this is my friend Steve," Sam announced, smiling at you. He was dressed in a brown jacket, black cap, his sunglasses tucked into the pocket of his shirt. "You come here often?"

"We're here 5 days a week," Magnus stated matter of factly, "Y/N/N bribes me with chocolate shakes so I do my homework." He then proceeded to proudly hold up his shake.

"Which doesn't seem to be working, I might need to switch to cupcakes," you replied. You smiled warmly at the two men. "Nice to meet you, Sam and Steve. I'm Y/N and this is Magnus."

"Mind if we sit?" Sam asked as he motioned to the two empty chairs at your table. You shook your head and watched as Sam pulled out the chair next to you, expecting him to sit down. Instead, he shoved Steve into the seat and went to sit next to Magnus.

Steve gave you a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I - we, hope we're not bothering you."

"So, your name's Y/N? A beautiful name for a beautiful lady," Sam said smirking. Then he nudged Steve, "Ain't that right, Steve?"

Steve gulped and nodded. The dusting of pink on his cheeks and neck deepened.

"And let's not forget about Magnus. That's a cool name, little man," Sam added, taking care to not exclude Magnus from the conversation.

Magnus gave a grin, exposing his gums and braces. "Thanks! My mum gave it to me."

"So, Steve over here couldn't help but notice that each time you came into the café with your brother, you didn't have a partner with -"

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